Everyone that knows me will tell u that i can't keep anything long, and i am always after something new. Sold the 110 last night (after just 6 months) for over 6K, went a brought this today
http://members.mud-club.com/profiles/MudRat/gallery/90/0/8f0d986a7651dee3df00c3802995beb0.JPG/ Its a 90 (doh!!) patriot roof rack, 200 tdi, silicone hoses, big intercooler, full stainless exhaust (£1400!) 2" lift, polybushed, BN transfer and gear boxes, BN 265 BFG muds, proffessionall ply lines, window cages, all lights upgraded to TD5 spec, new clutch, 800 amp battery, front and rear lamps, warn 9000i winch, battery boost cables (anderson) new fuel tank, 12 months T and T.
Cost me ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................£3500 :lol: :lol: I am so smug at the moment, also its very fast!! :lol: :lol: