we had one on a green lane in newbery.
the lane ran along side a pig farm and all the slurry drained down into the lane.
we all crawled through it, but one chap decided to play silly !Expletive Deleted!.
roof down windows open and woosh.
one interior full of pig !Expletive Deleted!.
oh how we laughed. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Reminds me of the time an old friend fell into a slurry lagoon whilst acting the goat.
We were all laughing sooo hard, we ended up on our knees.
Luckily enough, there was a rope handy & we managed to pull him out.
After hosing him off, we threw him into an old cattle trailer & towed him home, cos he stunk to high heaven.
His mother had the last laugh cos she made him strip naked at the back door & scrubbed him from head to toe with disinfectant before letting anywhere near the shower.