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Well the side of my 300 Tdi was well and trully smacked a week last Tuesday :( .I was run into by an agrogate lorry going onto the M67 at Denton, I was in the inside lane and the next think I know is the drivers side being ripped apart. According to the lorry driver it was my fault :?: , could this be because I was in the inside lane :?: So instead of spending money on a winch and bumper, checker plate for the rear floor, cargo fastenings, some new tyres and a new sterio I have had to buy a new Disco. As for the bathroom and kitchen She Who Must be Obeyed was not a happy bummy to put it mildley as I have been promising her I would do them for months now. :oops: As per normal the insurance have made a stupid offer for mine so I am waiting for the to come back with the next one
Lorrie drivers will always say it's someone else's fault. Not having a go at anuonme in particular but I often get the impression that just because they get payed for it it makes them professionals and by that justification they are always right, even if they are wrong.
Quote from: luckily just got his number as he !Expletive Deleted! off [/quoteWow all I wrote was pi**ed off, and got treated as foul mouth, the ol PC police are a bit strict these days.Mike
Wow all I wrote was pi**ed off, and got treated as foul mouth, the ol PC police are a bit strict these days.Mike
Manouvre - Signal - Mirror !
Yeap, freight back on the rails, it's the most efficient way of moving it anyway and it would create thousands of jobs for people who live in this country.