any one go? it was on at london 1-4 november earls court or NEC 8-11 november. went to the NEC one yesturday and i have to say in my opinion it was brilliant!!! :D you had 1 hall full of the top spec car, lambos, astons, ranges, ferraris ect then a further 4 halls full of old classic car, parts and tools (and they wernt that expensive) :D then you had the show with clarkeson, hammond and may that was realy good only lasted an hour though :( then a paddock tour of all the cars used in the peformance, as you would expext some very funny banter between them also some stupid stuff was done by them as ushuall :D i have a load of photos (unfortunatly not brilliant ones as it was off my phone :( ) well worth going, this was my first year there and was informed that it was a lot better than last year, btw went for the medium priced ticked £50 :shock: but worth it, a few free drinks :D deffinetly worth a look next year :D