AuthorTopic: Oh dear God no!  (Read 3996 times)

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Silvery Thing

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Oh dear God no!
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2007, 17:56:39 »
Quote from: "botts"
....but WOT the the hell is going on in this bloody country  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

I am afraid we are being ruled by a bunch of namby pamby spineless tarts :x

Offline Tommo

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Oh dear God no!
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2007, 18:05:47 »
I had an 8yr old kid fly into the road and under my 110 on his mountain bike in the summer. very very scary. I feel for all partys, including the chav. although i hate chavs you have to ask yourself if you would feel just as angry if it was a woman in a vectra that hit him at the same speed, prejudice is not an easy thing to avoid, bear in mind that chavs are car enthusiasts too, and like a lot of us, like to express themselves through their cars, which is usually a posotive thing even if the expression of them is rank. Im sure most of us have had the odd erratic driving moment, luckily for the majority of us there wasnt a kid about to stumble into the road at the time.

As much as i hate chav's he is not entirely to blame, might not be to blame at all if it turns out he was not over the speed limit. no doubt he will still get raped by his insurance company for any mods he didnt tell them.
Land Rover Tourettes Crew

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Oh dear God no!
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2007, 18:09:37 »
Quote from: "Range Rover Blues"
Quote from: "jjsaul"
Quote from: "Bigbluemaverick"
So nailing a high performance car on a quiet residential street is ok?

20mph can do a lot of damage to a small child...admittedly more speed usually equals more injuries but where do you stop?

Simple, you drive at such a speed that you can stop in the distance you can see to be safe.

My driving instructor taught me that, I tell all my pupils, it hasn't changed.

Anything faster is unsafe, I don't care how you dress it up or what you call it, if you can't stop in time you're too fast.

stop in time for what? a kid could run out 1 meter from you or 100 meters from you.

again, where do you stop? i can drive at 3mph and stop almost instantly, should i drive everywhere at that speed?
Land Rover Tourettes Crew

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Oh dear God no!
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2007, 11:37:09 »
Quote from: "Bigbluemaverick"
The dirty chav has been let off with a warning
So all in all not an ideal solution but could have been worse.
Problem for the CPS will be proof of speed AND the fact the kid ran out into the road.
It may not seem like an ideal outcome but there is still the chance it has woken said chav up. It will be more intesting to hear how his driving has changed since this incident.
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Offline glaggs

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Oh dear God no!
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2007, 15:06:56 »
As much as we point blame at the driver, the parent/guardian has to take some responsibility for not keeping the child under control. We always find it easier to appoint blame based on other predudices rather than trying to rationalise the facts.

It it had been a teenage 'chav' mum who let her child run into the road in front of a poor Mr 64 yr old addvanced driver who would you blame. We all have to have the back bone to take responsibility for our own actions and the actions of those in our care.

I feel sorry for all involved but don't appoirtion blame based on predudice - remember everyone hates 4x4's and their drivers.


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