AuthorTopic: 90mph Cop  (Read 1805 times)

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90mph Cop
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2007, 11:24:12 »
Quote from: "skip"
You made an assumption at the beginning of the thread, and I made one towards the end. As you are no doubt aware it has been said that to assume, makes an ass out of you and me. Isn't equality great?

Well I said things in the heat of the moment that I now wish I hadn't, so yeah I spose it is.

 =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>

Back to reality now everyone...?

Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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90mph Cop
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2007, 15:28:09 »
Yarp! I have my Christmas beer stock to quality check, so I better make a start. :wink:

Offline Niel

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« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2007, 17:52:38 »
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
Yarp! I have my Christmas beer stock to quality check, so I better make a start. :wink:

That sounds like a good idea!
Time for a dis-jointed ramble:
Actually I think the guys and gal's on the ground doing the job of policing deserve a better deal, though the idea of police officers being paid comparable wages to the general populace has rather gone out the window, something to do with Maggie and her army of police for smashing the unions...
In part that, along with scameras (even though they're run by 'partnerships'), has distanced the police from the public and more importantly the public from the police. Where I live there are several officers though now they travel to and from work in civi's, no longer are they part of the community in uniform, atleast not around here.
What doesn't help is the politcally aspirant C.C.'s and other senior officers playing games with officers and everyone else, as observed elsewhere most C.C.'s are effectively political appointees, to get beyond a certain rank now not only needs Home Office approval, but a desire to be a politician, leading to officers and the publics needs coming a poor second to gov't edict.
One item from above that grates locally is officers being told NOT to ticket pavement parkers, "because parking is in short supply and it might cause 'the police' to be seen in a poor light", parking isn't in short supply, my garden (and drive) can hold 3-4 vehicles, you want a car give up your garden, don't park on the pavement obstucting push/wheel chairs nor childrens view of the road when trying to cross! The beat officer who told me about this seemed quite at ease with the situation, the idea that dealing with 'low-level' offences might actually put some off commiting higher level one's had no chance.
Uncle Mick retired as a Ch. Super. and I've enough other contacts in the job to see just how bad its gotten, graduate direct entrants being a real issue, no 'life' experience in charge of seasoned officers making bad decisions and all the rest add's up to a fed-up workforce and poor public relations.
As I said before, the P.A. (police authority) should have used the sanctions available to it to deal with this, bringing the force into disrepute is used often enough to punish lower ranks, why not this higher one....

Don't get me started on the inefficiencies of certain departments, some can get a potential fine in the post in a matter of days, renewal of a simple shotgun certificate, 2 months so far and I've still not been contacted by the 'local' enquiry officer. No changes (infact fewer guns) since last renewal so according to the Home Office guidance it SHOULD be renewed by post, except the manager wants to play politics and even though the H.O. have told him before (and his boss the A.C.C.) he's out of order, he's still playing games, writing his own rules and doing NOTHING for police/public relations!

Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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90mph Cop
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2007, 19:27:07 »
I don't think it was a dis-jointed ramble at all. Some very valid points raised there, Niel, a lot of them echoed by the Public and Plod alike.
I have always been slightly maverick in my view of the political games that are played by the Home Office and the Police hierarchy.
I honestly wish that I had the ability to become an MP purely on the Police Issue alone. There is so much that could be done and that needs to be done, but there are a lot of people very high up in the Circles of HMG who are doing very nicely out of all this thank you very much. :roll:

Offline Boggert

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« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2007, 09:58:02 »
Wow... What happened here :shock:  :?:  :lol:

Redhand, you post has restored my confidence in doing my job, if we ever meet the first beer is on me...

What I will say is most people think all the police do is deal with scrotes, that’s not true, most of the time we deal with the public who have for one thing or another made an error... we are human we all make mistakes, such as this CC and he is paying for it with his licence as well as being dragged through the press. And yes he should have know better...

As I said we make mistakes, that’s life but it what you do after you cock up that makes you who you are. When I deal with a kid who has done something wrong, I always try to think how I was like when I was younger. Firm but fair, I'm not going to wreck his life for a stupid error of judgement, however he will know not to do it again I can assure you, which is why ASB is now low on my beat.

By the way... ta for all the support chaps! :wink:
If want to walk it walk it, if you want to ride it ride it just leave me alone to drive it!

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Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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90mph Cop
« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2007, 13:40:08 »
Quote from: "Boggert"
Wow... What happened here :shock:  :?:  :lol:

Redhand, you post has restored my confidence in doing my job, if we ever meet the first beer is on me...

What I will say is most people think all the police do is deal with scrotes, that’s not true, most of the time we deal with the public who have for one thing or another made an error... we are human we all make mistakes, such as this CC and he is paying for it with his licence as well as being dragged through the press. And yes he should have know better...

As I said we make mistakes, that’s life but it what you do after you cock up that makes you who you are. When I deal with a kid who has done something wrong, I always try to think how I was like when I was younger. Firm but fair, I'm not going to wreck his life for a stupid error of judgement, however he will know not to do it again I can assure you, which is why ASB is now low on my beat.

By the way... ta for all the support chaps! :wink:

Seconded, if that is such a word. If not, I shall echo Boggert's sentiments most whole heartedly (if I've spelt that right!)


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