AuthorTopic: useless fact  (Read 8428 times)

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Offline crazymac

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« Reply #60 on: December 28, 2007, 00:37:51 »
Got there before you DEANO3528 :wink:

Some of you are missing a crucal point in all of the "green" debate.........

I drive my discovery because I bloody well want to!!!! It does everything I want it to do, and I'm sure that there are other 4x4s out there from other makers that will do it as well, and quite possibly in better comfort!! But I want to drive a discovery!!

And as for the rest of your post, I couldn't agree more!

shame its Budda!!

Offline MrTFWitt

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« Reply #61 on: December 28, 2007, 03:28:11 »
The way forward....?

I think we should experiment with deposit paid containers that are returned directly to the manufacturer on the same vehicle that delivers from the factory.  This might work for bulky items like Lemonade or Cola-Coka.

For daily delivery of fresh milk how about the supplier managing 100% reusable packaging and running a near silent fleet of electric powered vehicles to do doorstep delivery ?

Oh, hang on, we tried that already and declared it old hat  :roll:

In the meantime Enviro-terro... Sorry, I actually meant to say activists are using the old rattle tins to fund a Flaming navy to cruise round the world and do Eco-Stuff

And another thing, Prious and that other thing with "400bhp" seem to be two seaters.  
My People carrier has seven seats but to get seven people from A to B would require 4 Priousesess (No idea what the collective term is).
A veg oil burning 110 fully loaded has even more space but still only takes up one space at the far end of its journey.

When somebody presents me with a new bit of technology that does what I want from todays cars at the same price I'll happily adopt it.
But as long as I'm on the brunt of taxation AND asked to pay more to get less from a vehicle then I'll stick with what I have.

Now back to the Thread topic  USELESS FACTS

I have a little book of them as a christmas pressie.

Miami Vice
The Ferrari  in the first series was actually a kit car/replica based on a Chevrolet Corvette.

Aston Martin
The concept show car for the V8 Vantage was built in Mumbai

The lead acid battery was first invented in 1859.
The AA gets called out to 1650 flat batteries every day

Jet Power
Rover built the first car to be powered by a jet engine

Hydrogen power
in 1935 Henry Garrett demonstrated a car that could synthesise Hydrogen from water and performed several test runs for the media.
Watch out theres a tigger about!

Offline Hobnailkelly

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« Reply #62 on: December 28, 2007, 17:54:55 »
Quote from: "rollazuki"

Many of you seem to think the Rangerover with a lumpy old diesel running on veg is the place to be ...  

Nothing wrong with Captain Caveman technology - my mate Ned Ludd thinks so too  :lol:

Naming no names, but a showroom full of old rangerovers with reused daihatsu motors running like smokey old tubs on veg oil would NOT win the current auto buying market over ...

Ned says he would buy one  :lol:

Something we haven't slated yet is depreciation.  

The most my Rangie could depreciate is 100% - about a grand.
The same as your Prius will lose as soon as you drive it off the forecourt.

So there !

Offline rollazuki

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« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2007, 10:43:14 »

rangies dont depreciate!

get glasses guide and check. Oh yeah, Prius sell for a premium in london to avoid the congestion charge.(which will hit a city near you soon!!)

Prius seat FIVE people

There are some real pearls of wisdom coming on here, they must be here to amuse me!

Keep em coming and Ill bat em back.

Dont forget to be up early monday mornin to catch the 'special' bus.......

Go on....cut me in says SUZUKI all the way thru the middle!!

Offline Tommo

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« Reply #64 on: December 29, 2007, 11:04:31 »
I would love a RRC but becasue of the depreciation i cant really. i could have a £300 special but i want a vogue SE, and i know i would lose money on it.
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Offline glaggs

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« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2007, 11:07:10 »
Not fully read all this thread, I still believe that global wartming is all part of the conspiracy theory to keep us scared, keep us from becoming united and therefore keep us controlled! Anyway that wasn't my main point.

Bulli had a rant about batteries and recyclability, everything can be reclaimed or recycled, but usualy the cost is greater than the value of the recycled products so we don't bother. As for traditional lead/acid batteries; there is a factory near Darley Dale that is dedicated just to recycling old lead acid batteries, and believe me it ain't a small opperation.

Offline discowoman

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« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2007, 11:18:29 »
OK so as I understand it CARBON DIOXIDE (co2) is a greenhouse gas? So we as a species - as do 99.99% of all living thinks on this planet emmit Co2 as a by-product of us living - so when do they envisage putting a 'breathing tax' on us , or fitting hydrogen power cells to us surgically? think about it ..i ead somewhere that an average person exhales about 1/2 a litre of Co2 every breath.. so an average og 45 breathes a minute = 22.5 litres of Co2 every minute 1350litres every hour 32400 every day 11826000 a year .. now i dont know how that works out in Grams ( like the Govt use for vehicles) but multiply that by about 6 billion, and I think we get an idea of why we get 'global warming'...Plus arent we heading for a Planet 'warming' before yet another ice age ??? (every 3,000,000 years or so I think!

MY OPINION - NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT ( before the thought police come knocking)

FACT - The wings of a 747 are longer than the Wright Brothers 1st flight - (my useless fact of the day )

Offline Bulli

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« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2007, 11:23:58 »
Quote from: Silvery Thing
Quote from: "Bulli"

All batteries can indeed be disposed of and that DOES include all the chemicals.... try doing a Google search if you are unsure :roll:


Mark this is what i was responding to, and yes batteries can be recycled but there is a lot of harm done still. Like recycled paper, the chemicals used cause more damage so you are best using paper from renewable forrests. Either way the chemicals still exist and what cannot be reused is the acid in lead acid batteries...i cant find a mention of what does happen to them.

here is a website extract.

Battery reprocessing
Batteries contain a range of metals which can be reused as a secondary raw material. There are well-established methods for the recycling of most batteries containing lead, nickel-cadmium, nickel hydride and mercury. For some, such as newer nickel-hydride and lithium systems, recycling is still in the early stages.

There are a number of different recycling processes for batteries, which are aimed at recovering a variety of materials:

Lead can be recovered by either separating the different materials that make up the battery (lead, plastics, acid, etc.) prior to metallurgical processing. Alternatively, batteries can be processed as a whole through heat treatment in a particular type of furnace with metals being recovered at the end of his process.
NiCd batteries can be reprocessed through a similar thermal technique, which recovers cadmium and iron-nickel for steel production.
Batteries containing mercury (button cells) are most commonly processed using a vacuum-thermal treatment, in which the mercury vaporises. It condenses and eventually solidifies when temperatures are reduced and can then be reintroduced into the material cycle.  
NiMH batteries are reprocessed by mechanically separating the individual materials (plastic, hydrogen and nickel) within a vacuum chamber to prevent the escape of hydrogen. The output of this process is a product with high nickel content which can be used in the manufacture of stainless steel.
Li-Ion batteries are currently reprocessed through pyrolysis (heat treatment) with the primary recovery the metal content.
Zinc-carbon/air and alkaline-manganese batteries can be reprocessed using a number of different methods, which include smelting and other thermal-metallurgical processes to recover the metal content (particularly zinc).

So all the processes are energy intensive when reclaiming the material from batteries. Which is probably less harmful to the environment than digging the stuff from the ground and carrying out the initial proccessing. It still does have environmental impact though. So all this talk of well just recycle it doesnt mean it doesn no harm.... food for thought eh?
3 link, lockers and 35's- NUFF said

Offline Bulli

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« Reply #68 on: December 29, 2007, 11:24:19 »
Quote from: Silvery Thing
Quote from: "Bulli"

All batteries can indeed be disposed of and that DOES include all the chemicals.... try doing a Google search if you are unsure :roll:


Mark this is what i was responding to, and yes batteries can be recycled but there is a lot of harm done still. Like recycled paper, the chemicals used cause more damage so you are best using paper from renewable forrests. Either way the chemicals still exist and what cannot be reused is the acid in lead acid batteries...i cant find a mention of what does happen to them.

here is a website extract.

Battery reprocessing
Batteries contain a range of metals which can be reused as a secondary raw material. There are well-established methods for the recycling of most batteries containing lead, nickel-cadmium, nickel hydride and mercury. For some, such as newer nickel-hydride and lithium systems, recycling is still in the early stages.

There are a number of different recycling processes for batteries, which are aimed at recovering a variety of materials:

Lead can be recovered by either separating the different materials that make up the battery (lead, plastics, acid, etc.) prior to metallurgical processing. Alternatively, batteries can be processed as a whole through heat treatment in a particular type of furnace with metals being recovered at the end of his process.
NiCd batteries can be reprocessed through a similar thermal technique, which recovers cadmium and iron-nickel for steel production.
Batteries containing mercury (button cells) are most commonly processed using a vacuum-thermal treatment, in which the mercury vaporises. It condenses and eventually solidifies when temperatures are reduced and can then be reintroduced into the material cycle.  
NiMH batteries are reprocessed by mechanically separating the individual materials (plastic, hydrogen and nickel) within a vacuum chamber to prevent the escape of hydrogen. The output of this process is a product with high nickel content which can be used in the manufacture of stainless steel.
Li-Ion batteries are currently reprocessed through pyrolysis (heat treatment) with the primary recovery the metal content.
Zinc-carbon/air and alkaline-manganese batteries can be reprocessed using a number of different methods, which include smelting and other thermal-metallurgical processes to recover the metal content (particularly zinc).

So all the processes are energy intensive when reclaiming the material from batteries. Which is probably less harmful to the environment than digging the stuff from the ground and carrying out the initial proccessing. It still does have environmental impact though. So all this talk of well just recycle it doesnt mean it doesn no harm.... food for thought eh?
3 link, lockers and 35's- NUFF said

Offline glaggs

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« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2007, 11:33:41 »
Just checking your awake....morning

Offline Bulli

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« Reply #70 on: December 29, 2007, 11:35:38 »
lol, clearly not as i posted it twice lol
3 link, lockers and 35's- NUFF said

Offline crazymac

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« Reply #71 on: December 29, 2007, 12:25:57 »
I'm heading to the useless facts, how about this one

In many countries, it is the custom to wish friends a "Happy Birthday" on January 1st, rather than a "Happy New Year." This day is nicknamed "Everyman's Birthday," and is considered the day when everyone becomes a year older, whether it's their actual day of birth or not. Similarly, this practice is observed in horse racing. No matter when a race horse is born, they all "become" a year older on New Year's Day, although there are no records explaining how or why this came to be

shame its Budda!!

Offline crazymac

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« Reply #72 on: December 29, 2007, 12:47:44 »
Lithiated Lemon was the creation of Charles Griggs from Missouri, who introduced the lemon-lime drink in 1929. Four years later he renamed it 7-Up. Sales increased significantly.

shame its Budda!!

Offline Bulli

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« Reply #73 on: December 29, 2007, 12:50:08 »
most peoples left foot is slightly bigger. that being most people are right handed...left hookers have larger right feet.
3 link, lockers and 35's- NUFF said

Offline crazymac

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« Reply #74 on: December 29, 2007, 19:49:07 »
On a standard "qwerty" keyboard, there are 1,447 English words that are typed solely with the left hand. There are only 187 words typed with the right hand alone.

shame its Budda!!

Offline Tommo

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« Reply #75 on: December 29, 2007, 19:57:28 »
the qwerty keyboard apparently came about becase office staff were typing too quickly on typewriters, jamming the whole thing, so they thought if they jumbled the letters up it would slow them down.

so ive been told anyway.
Land Rover Tourettes Crew


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