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I thought id have go at upping the fuel on doris,s (90 200tdi) injector pump just to get a bit more poke, so I followed the instruction from this site
I Did it all as I should
On removal you will see it is all part of a plunger, the end of the plunger is off set from centre, the idea is to rotate this when replacing the diaphragm so the maximum offset is pointing towards the front of the car, this involved a 90 degree clockwise turn in my case and apparently in most other cases....
Remove the spring that sits below the diaphragm and place safe....
You will see a starwheel in the bottom of the housing this needs to be adjusted so that when the diaphragm is replaced it is 'up' by a couple of mm, I gave mine five clicks clockwise although I have about 4mm lift of the diaphragm before replacing the cover....The bits are all put back together and the cover screwed back in place...Just need to get a new smoke screw dust cap as it gets trashed when you remove it (mine did at least)
Screw the rod in, there should be enough free space inside the sleeve, until it reaches the locknut, 5mm should give the required boost can go more but you'll be pushing things
of course I followed the instructions dear... I have no idea why there are so many extra bits left over
No,the diafram does not come out,its seized,I followed your instructions to the letter except for pulling the diafram out (cos it wouldnt come out)but never mind,my fault its costing me an injector pump rebuild and then a sale for the old girl(90)
I followed your instructions to the letter
its ok all you lot sitting at your pc,s telling me what YOU think cos you think you are all landy wizards,but really you are not you are just home-made mechanics,until you look at something you dont really know whats wrong.
OOOHH ok then,maybe you might be better to keep your comments to yourself if you dont like the response,I did tell you that I WASNT blaming you or anybody else,it would be nice to have constructive comments,not a slanging match on this forum,after all I was originally only asking if anybody had any ideas on the nature of my problem,not for somebody to slag me off and tell me I dont know what im doing! which isnt fair as you dont know me and i dont know you,theres absolutely no need for all this,I started off having a chat with L9l00k not you
YOU think cos you think you are all landy wizards,but really you are not you are just home-made mechanics,