you jacked a wheel up to see if it spins ?
the switches have a habbit of sticking on the plunger
does it go into difflock fine, or do you have to wait a whilst ?
could be a bust return spring, or you twisted the spline ( wouldnt suprise me :lol:) and its now jammed in
get under and make sure its fully out on the rotor arm though, if theres slop in the lever the wont pull fully out...altho its actually out, the cam on the link will still be making the switch think its in difflock
theres no real reason for it to stay in difflock as there isnt much that goes wrong with it ( he says in haste :roll: :oops: )
if you have nackered it
take the box off and ill strip it for you if ya want, wont take long find out what you broken :lol: