If you have ever been asked to describe the performance (either on or off road) of an off-road vehicle, what did you mean?
My name is Tim Kirk, I am studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, and as part of my final year project I have chosen to look at how the performance of off-road vehicles is subjectively assessed. I have developed a questionnaire to try and find out how off-road drivers like yourself use your vehicles, i would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes filling it in, it would help my project enormounsly!
Here is the link:
http://www.questionpro.com/akira/TakeSurvey?id=874465Alternatively if you have any other information/help that you think i might find useful, please feel free to email me at txk445@bham.ac.uk
Thanks for your help in advance, and good look with the mud plugging!
Tim Kirk