AuthorTopic: thieving pikeys  (Read 10065 times)

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2008, 10:46:12 »
It was the travellers in this case. They had set up camp just across the road in our local public park.

I would like to defend them, but in this case it was them. They also left a horrendous mess in a place where my children had previously enjoyed playing. I've also been in a local pub when a group came in, ordered about 20 meals for 10 of them, ate them and simply walked out. I was stunned. The staff did nothing because the group were camped not more than 500yds from the pub.

These are cases I have witnessed. It is not heresay.

Should do what most other pubs go then and take the money when the meal is ordered. I don't think I've ever had a pub meal where I didn't pay when I ordered the meal.

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2008, 11:06:33 »
free nappies? id do it my self. :clap:
have you seen the price of them lately?
makes you wonder who the theives actually are.
if it isent broke , whack it with a hammer ,

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2008, 11:15:44 »
Should do what most other pubs go then and take the money when the meal is ordered. I don't think I've ever had a pub meal where I didn't pay when I ordered the meal.

I don't think I'd eat at a pub that didn't run tabs ... I don't generally carry cash. In fact my local pub is table service for food. You pay at the end. Not unusual at all.

I will point out that we moved our local meet from the Billing Quays, one of the reasons was the sudden dropping of tabs. 

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2008, 17:35:29 »
Great idea but why stop there? after all that council estate just round the corner must be full of junkies and joyriders why not burn all there houses down while they're out getting their daily fix. Then  theres's all those eastern europeans taking our jobs and hassling our women, and then we could start deporting anyone who looks a bit muslim after all one or two of them might be terrorists and if we get rid of em all we won't have to worry about whether we got the right one or not. Hey if we try hard enough we could resurrect the 4th reich in a couple of months.

You may be onto something, except the 4th Reich never really existed, it's the 3rd you'd be trying to resurrect.

Lets just hope that this remains the black humour that it is, and some stupid sod doesn't decide to do anything we've suggested in jest.


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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2008, 17:59:33 »
when we starting the 4th reich a few suttle changes to the Rules and it might work :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 18:03:03 by pux »

Offline glaggs

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2008, 12:04:36 »
What an interesting debate, and all started because someone posted that "pikeys" had been seen in the area, but as far as I can see no actual offence has been mentioned? Great to see that the great power of hysteria hasn't been lost. Keep us scared, give us a common enemy, keep us controlled. Happy St. Georges Day.

ps - one of the best days out I've had was at the Appleby Horse Fair.

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2008, 12:56:40 »
Many moons ago, I used to work for a London Borough - and had to deal with the occasional encampment of Travellers.

On one occasion, I'd been dealing with some "new age" travellers - I turned up on site, to find that irish travellers had turned up as well. I jumped out of the car (locking it) and starting chatting to the guy in charge - only to get back to my car to find that someone had been  in to the car through the sun roof and emptied my purse which had been in the glove compartment.

............the guy in charge was seriously [!Expletive Deleted!] - he found the (young) culprit and turned him physically upside down and shook all the money out of his pockets - giving it all back to me - but I have to say - I think I made a profit :grin:
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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2008, 13:40:35 »
Appleby fairis a place I will never venture, I have a VERY short temper and I know how to use it, especially when it comes to cruelty to horses or dogs, I've been asked o leave a local horse maket after showing direct postive action against a rather cruel, shall e say traveller type and his son.

My fist stung for about a week  :oops:
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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2008, 23:12:51 »
Appleby fairis a place I will never venture, I have a VERY short temper and I know how to use it, especially when it comes to cruelty to horses or dogs, I've been asked o leave a local horse maket after showing direct postive action against a rather cruel, shall e say traveller type and his son.

My fist stung for about a week  :oops:

I thought that there were plans to stop Appleby Horse Fair after a horse had been run to death last year.
We used to have similar problems at the Horse Fair at Watton. My sergeant at the time got into trouble with the bosses after he got the fair there banned for a year, as he was able to show that during the weekend that it happened, the crime rate tripled. No blame was laid at any section of society.

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2008, 09:54:54 »
just my 2p worth..if they are law abiding people, why is it when ever a car is followed into a site on something like Police camera action etc..the vehicle (if found) is driven away - and NOTHING is ever done to the travellers, not even  questioning? many years ago we had a gypsy site set up quite close to my parents house - and the kids were inducted into our school for about 6 weeks - i had the chance to visit the camp and see inside the caravans, and believe me, i have never seen a cleaner caravan since..cut glass and white lace everywheer - all shoes must be removed before entering, and when they did go the site didnt show any sign of anyone being there (and im going back to the mid 70's so they had real fires)
as a marked contrast - the last lot that came close to us lasted 3 days and the place looked like a bomb site - live and let live i say - but some people dont deserve this right!

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2008, 14:10:17 »
I agree with discowoman. Judge a person by their own actions not by some sterio type that the media/government/politician have feed to us.

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Re: thieving pikeys
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2008, 19:28:43 »
I deal with this type of people on a professional basis :undecided: Although the caravans are clean they are still a lieing bunch of thieving scum :( I say as I find and I find this all too often :x


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