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Topic: swimming with dolphins (Read 651 times)
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swimming with dolphins
May 08, 2008, 13:53:07 »
does anyone know if they operate a minimum age for swimming with the dolphins and if so what it might be. Not getting a lot of joy from the main operators as they want you to book before they tell you who can and can't geti n the water (which seems a bit behind before face to me!)
Hoping to take a very mature 6yr old who is a fairly confident swimmer.
Has anyone else done this ?
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #1 on:
May 08, 2008, 16:48:53 »
Where are these "operators"...? You should be able to see their terms and conditions prior to purchase... if they aint co-operating I'd be avoiding them.
We did this in Mexico at Xcaret, there were some fairly young kids about but not sure on ages. As for the animals themselves... they are used in threrapy for kids with disabilities so I'd expect the age restricion, if any, to be fairly low.
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #2 on:
May 08, 2008, 17:29:55 »
i did this with my sister in oz. didnt seem to be an age limit and didnt require you to swim either. there were some very young kids there. and everyone had life jackets etc. go for it you'll both love it
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #3 on:
May 08, 2008, 18:50:54 »
We've done this in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico and there was no problems with kids of any age doing it :D
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #4 on:
May 08, 2008, 18:55:19 »
do you need a Porpoise in life!! :lol: :oops: :lol: :oops:
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #5 on:
May 08, 2008, 19:26:05 »
We went in Cuba it's amazing :D
The youngest there was 2 and they even got one of the dolphins to swim up onto the deck so the little one could stroke it and give it a hug before getting in :D
oldest person there was my mum in-law she is 70 and can't swim but they made everyone wear floats so she just bobbed around :lol:
in the evening while the adults tucked into lobster and rum the kids were all outside playing fetch dog style with the dolphins :shock:
they are amazing animals and swimming with them is cool :dance:
I hope they do let your littleone swim with them as it is a real buzz...
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #6 on:
May 08, 2008, 21:18:20 »
..did this with my ex in the Bahamas about 5 years ago, I only did it because she wanted to as she's always loved Dolphins and wanted to swim with them in open water not in a big pool, I had never even thought about it before, but I'm really glad I did, it was the most amazing experience of a lifetime, (and there have been a few in the last 50 odd years :lol: :lol:) there were very young kids obout in different groups and everyone had to wear life preserver/floats which was just as well as I'm a pretty poor swimmer, the Dolphins are so intelligent it's almost unbelievable, they did the usual dancing with you in the water, taking fish from your mouth extremely gently, leaping out of the water in a big arc over the top of you and the finale was fantastic, you had to lock out your knees then you got a Dolphin's bottle nose one on the sole of either foot and took off across the lagoon for about 25/30 metres, and everything above mid thigh was out of the water, (and I'm 16 stone so I'm no lightweight) all done by 2 Dolphin power, I'll tell you it's the closest I'm ever gonna get to flying like Superman, If any of you ever get the chance to swim with Dolphins
it's worth every single penny it'll cost you and then some, I still occasionally get the video out and watch it. (reminds me I must get it transferred to disc!!) and I even got a kiss off the lady Dolphin as well :D :D (at least they told me it was the lady Dolphin :? :?)
Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 21:41:59 by BeJay
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Re: swimming with dolphins
Reply #7 on:
May 09, 2008, 07:55:41 »
discovery cove orlando florida again puerto vallarta
i swam with them 3 times a most amazing experiance.
Old Joe (Dazza)
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