It all depends on what problem you're trying to solve. :-k
The Irwin extractors from Machine Mart ones are excellent, and well worth the cash (they ain't cheap) for shifting rounded bolts. Love 'em.
If you're going for the threaded type removers buy nothing cheap - they won't be hardened properly and they will snap with impunity. The saving grace usually is that the core metal is softer than the bolt. If you want that type of extractor then be prepared to splash the cash on a set by either Dormer or Guhring. These are proper jobs and fully hardened.
However, neither of the above are ideal for properly seized bolts (everything tends to limits, sadly).
This is where a really good centre punch, a set of quality drills (again Dormer and Guhring) and the right sized taps is generally the thing to have!
......and a very steady hand with the drill! :lol: