Yes the Mitsubishi engine is a great lump and mine has more than proved it's worth. I have had the vehicle for five years and the engine was knackered when I got it but it starts first time every time, just keeps on going.
It pumps engine oil into the cooling system, but no water gets into the oil. I has replaced the head gasket (head skim at the same time), head was checked over for cracks etc but it made no difference. I think that there is a crack in the block but don't want to mess around looking for it as the car is to old to spend loads of money on.
Every 4/5 months I refill the engine with oil, and drain the cooling system which by this time is filled with oil. I have also replaced all the cooling system hoses as the oil has made them go very soft and they keep blowing.
This is only my going to work/play car, and I thought that it would be a bit of fun and interesting to change things around.
My other car is a mint condition 2001, 4ltr Jeep Cherokee which I also love (not as much as my Shogun).
I am by the way a motor mechanic (29 years now) and worked for the local Mitsubishi dealership in the 80's which was when I fell in love with Shoguns. All the engine rebuilds and swap that we did were with standard items so I have never tried to fit anything else it to them. I was wondering if any one has played around with such a project.
Hope this sheds some light on my request, and thanks for your reply. ;)