Yeah, halfords, but keep an eye on the monkey that prepares it. I did and I couldnt believe what I saw.
The 'recipe' lists all the tints and their required quantity. It said 22g of rose red, she topped it up on the scales to around 25g, I expressed my concerns that it had to be exact nad she had too much by 3g. Her reply was that its only 22g so it all fits in the can, and aslong as it is 225g at the end it doesnt matter if she over does it in one tint, as she will compensate by adding less of the next!!!!!! Which she did, say the next tint was yolk yellow, insted of adding 15g, she only added 12g!!!
I told her that I would take it away and spray a test card and show her how different it was to the real colour which I had made exactly by the parts manager!!
It was way different, and he offered me a refund and said he would retrain her!!!