AuthorTopic: 'Land Shark' Allergies  (Read 1358 times)

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Offline Bush Tucker Man

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'Land Shark' Allergies
« on: August 05, 2008, 09:59:21 »
I've just been reading one of my regular 'blogs

'Which End Bites?' & it's detailing the recent clamp-down (no pun intended) on Dog use

Read the Daily Mail article

I do like this comment though, it's the kind of words that 'Drew'(5292) would utter......

'They should have considered the mental trauma and possible allergic reaction of 60 lbs of foaming Alsatian clamping its teeth to their extremities before embarking on their latest criminal escapade.

'The traditional shout of "stand still or I will set the dog on you" will presumably now have to become "excuse me, my police dog is quite hairy and might cause alarm as he sinks his fangs into your right thigh  -  is that all right with you?" '

« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 10:23:02 by Bush Tucker Man »
Richard A Thackeray 
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Re: 'Land Shark' Allergies
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 21:41:36 »
lol very good

i was considering however changing the sign on our gate from "beware of the dog" to "beware of stupid great thing that just plays with cats and eats me out of house and home" 
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Re: 'Land Shark' Allergies
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 19:16:19 »
Why am I not surprised by this?

This combined with the latest from the eco camp in Kent, that apparently it is 'over the top' to have riot officers in helmets, carrying shields, just beggars belief.

Perhaps some more ideas should be considered:

1) All householders should leave their valuables outside their houses at night, thus enabling thieves to steal it easily. This would reduce the rates of burglary, and therefore everyone should feel safer.

2) A 'No Pursuit of stolen vehicles' throughout the country, in fact any car thieves should be able to pull in at fuel stops, fill up and then the taxpayer has to pay for the fuel, as it wouldn't be right for the oil companies to be out of pocket.

3) If Police are called to an armed robbery, all officers should be trained in the art of rythmic chanting. This would calm the witnesses down and chill them out, before officers then clear the way for the get away vehicle to make a safe exit from the area.

4) All Police cars should have their sirens and lights going all the time, thus giving any law breakers in the area a chance to get away, without being apprehended by the nazi fascist gendarmerie.

5) If per chance they are arrested, then they should immediately be supplied with documents on how to make a complaint, given a down payment of £10,000, and given a supply of controlled drug of their choice. This would enable them to become more of a drain on the wicked, evil society that has got them in trouble.

6) All firearms officers will now be issued with pop guns and those toy pistols that have a flag come out with the word 'BANG' on it when you pull the trigger. This would stop people getting scared, and provide the villains, sorry, poor misguided, put upon, victims of the nasty horrible tax paying workers, with a bit of a laugh.

Alternatively, we could throw away the rule book, play the thieving scum at their own game, and start locking them up, in the reactor chambers of the old nuclear power stations!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 19:20:15 by Lord Shagg-Pyle »

Offline Bush Tucker Man

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Re: 'Land Shark' Allergies
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 19:51:54 »
Alternatively, we could throw away the rule book, play the thieving scum at their own game, and start locking them up, in the reactor chambers of the old nuclear power stations!

As usual, L S-P you come up with an excellent answer

But, surely, you could use them as GSD training toys first?

If they can outsprint the Dog, they're last into the reactor :lol:
Richard A Thackeray 
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Re: 'Land Shark' Allergies
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2008, 12:52:25 »
Im appalled by your comments LSP!

Locking innocent criminals up in the reactor chambers of old nucular power stations!.....

Whats wrong with using currently running power stations??
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Offline Bush Tucker Man

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Re: 'Land Shark' Allergies
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2008, 13:30:58 »
Im appalled by your comments LSP!

Locking innocent criminals up in the reactor chambers of old nucular power stations!.....

Whats wrong with using currently running power stations??
It's all over with too quickly?

Hang  about!!, you can process more that way :lol:
Richard A Thackeray 
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Re: 'Land Shark' Allergies
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2008, 13:13:14 »
lol very good

i was considering however changing the sign on our gate from "beware of the dog" to "beware of stupid great thing that just plays with cats and eats me out of house and home" 

A "Beware of the wife" sign would be quicker to read  :roll:


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