On the way home from the garage...AGAIN... tonight.... I suddenly produced a huge cloud of steam and it seems to be coming from a housing in front of the engine cover on top of the 300tdi block.
Being new to diesels not certain what it is but it seems to have a plastic screw in bung similar to the radiator bungs. If it was a V8 I'd have called it the thermostat housing. Anyhow... on exploring it... what I thught was a slot for a screwdriver... was a hole! It may have started life as a slot... but it's certainly not ended life as one.
So... can anyone tell me what this is and help me with a diagnosis..?
Is it simply a case of changing the bung.. refilling and carrying on as normal, putting it down to wear and tear on the bung... or is there something else I should be concerned about.
On the journey immediately prior to this car was driving fine, no sign of overheat and the heating didn't start going cold till after this happened. Oh... I was doing... ahem... 70mph ;) or thereabouts but there was no sign of stress on the car.
Looking forward to some advice from you petr...ahem...diesel heads!