Change the whole starter, it's not complex just awkward as you say, there may be other ways around it but and 2 pairs of hands is a bonus, i do have a snorkel pipe in the way which does impede the job a little.
I had to do the following.
remove the heatshield, loosen off the exhaust downpipe, remove wires, take out top left bolt, take out top right nut and bolt (if you can get on the engine and have small hands you may be able to do this from above) or its a 2 person job one underneath with an extended 17mm spanner one above with a 17mm socket on extensions. to get to it from underneath you may have to remove the slave cylinder, remove bolt from the bottom, now the fun bit once the starter is unbolted and free, I had to drop it out from the bottom, but there was not enough room so I removed the near side engine mount nut and jacked the engine up on the side to give me better access. to fit just reverse the process.
I hope someone comes along and Say's there is an easier way, fingers crossed.