Does anyone have any tips? I had the usual nitemare getting the drop arm off! Ive done a few of these now and its always the same hell. Thing is I have never had a problem fitting the new one. It looks the same as the old one, spines ok etc. I got it on the spines and pushed up a bit. Usualy winding the but on will pull it up the splines but it gets about 6mm from the top and I cant turn the nut anymore. I had a socket and a 3/4inch strong arm and its seriously tight, I didnt go any further as I am convinced I would strip the thread from the shaft or the nut.
In the end I took the nut back off, put a socket over the shaft but up against the arm and a trolley jack underneath! I jacked it to the point it nearly lifted the car!, it certainly ectended the spings so was taking the weight of the engine etc. As a last resort I heated the arm up while it was under that pressure!! It still wont go over the shaft to the top.
Do I have a faulty arm? Anyone ever had any problems like this? I have just spent several hours and still cant get it on. Its a £26 one from paddocks and its driving me nuts....