AuthorTopic: liquido direccion asistida  (Read 1185 times)

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Offline melenudo

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liquido direccion asistida
« on: February 07, 2009, 22:30:58 »
buenas y un saludo desde españa  :D.
sigo este foro y es interesante  :thumbup:
poseo un defender 90 300 tdi, de momento funciona fenomenal  :jealous: tengo una duda sobre el liquido de direccion asistida, resulta que cuando me suelo quedar atascado en un barrizal bueno, de estos que no te deja torcer la direccion. empieza la bomba de direccion ha meter ruido y me tira el liquido de direccion por el bote de llenado.
pero como digo..... solo cuando no me deja torcer la direccion, insisto en torcer y no puedo y es cuando tira liquido.
me podeis aconsejar algo.... :lol:
un saludo.

Offline Saffy

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Re: liquido direccion asistida
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 22:56:42 »
I don't know if this would be the cause of the noise or fluid flooding from the PS reservoir when you can't steer when stuck in mud, but make sure it is filled with the recommended ATF (not regular Power Steering Fluid!) and bled the system correctly. I have had similar problem with flooding and properly bleeding the system was the solution. The filling and bleeding procedure is in the manual, it not a simple case of pouring the fluid into the reservoir.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 15:31:42 by Saffy »
.swonk eno oN .esoht dna eseht ,siht dna taht ,wollof ot selur emos teg eW

Offline adafish

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Re: liquido direccion asistida
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2009, 14:51:05 »
yeah same here :-.....MUCHO GRASIAS

Offline zulublue

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Re: liquido direccion asistida
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2009, 15:46:50 »
This is as goos as I can get it.

good and a greeting from Spain.
I follow east forum and is interesting
I have to defend 90 to 300 tdi, at the moment works phenomenal   I have a doubt on I eliminate of attended direction, is that when usually I remain clogged in a good mire, of which does not let to you twist the direction. the direction pump begins has to put noise and it throws to me I eliminate of direction by the filling boat.
but as I say ..... single when it does not let to me twist the direction, I insist on twisting and I cannot and is when it throws I eliminate.
podeis to advise something to me….
a greeting

Offline DogVanMan

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Re: liquido direccion asistida
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 23:12:27 »

Bueno.. Ya ves que aquí hablan todos inglés pero no te preocupes, que yo te lo traduzco y a ver si algún experto nos dice que hacer - esperemos no no sea mucho. Mientras tanto, si te atascas, pues no tuerces el volante -¡Arreglao!


Right. Who said we weren't a cosmopolitan lot, eh? He's saying he follows the forum which he thinks is great. He has a Defender 300tdi with a steering problem in so much as when he's in deep ruts, such that you can't steer out, when the wheels are stuck in, if he forces the steering wheel to turn, it blows steering fluid out of the top of the reservoir. He's asking what causes this. Anyone..?

G (International Man of Mystery)

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Offline DogVanMan

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Re: liquido direccion asistida
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2009, 23:16:20 »
Saffy.. sorry mate, should have read yours more carefully - I think you've understood what he said, want me to try to translate back, or anything more to add?

90 300tdi Hardtop. One or two teeny weeny mods. Not fast!
110 Td5 H/top. IRB  i/cooler amongst other things. Not slow!


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