AuthorTopic: Nice place for airfilterbox after converting from 2,5 NA to (ex-Disco) 200 TDI  (Read 835 times)

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Offline Smokydiesel

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Seems that a lot of people struggle to find a suitable place for the large airfilterbox after fitting a 200 TDI (I know I did )

Here's what I did:

I combined both airfilterboxes into one, by using the 2,5 NA filterhousing and the 200 TDI box-lid.
You have to fiddle a bit with the internal tread to get the lid to screw on properly, but in the end you get a box that's much smaller/lower than the original 200 TDi box:

Next I used a bit of rainpipe to extend the intake-side of the box:

By sticking on the plastic tube that came with the TDI filter you get a nice and complete filterbox almost ready to go in:

The plastic tube-thingy connects to the old (TDI) filter pipe, no need to buy something new:

Here's the filterbox in place:

And the final result is a filterbox that sits nicely in the engine bay, low enough to let the bonnet close the way it should.
I secured the filterbox with a metal strip to the front wing and inner wingpanel.

If it aint leaking, it soon will !

Offline davidlandy

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thats a very tidy installation. well done.

the last one I did , I made up a bracket and put it on top of the fuel pump area, fits ok but lots of pipework!

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Offline biggerlandy

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mount it on a plate using disco brackets on to where air con would go
just get muddy

Offline davidlandy

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thats what I did - theres some holes there.

but its not as good as this installation in my view.
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Offline spy

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Very nice job!  I rammed my disco filter housing under the wing top and held it in place with cable ties!  That was only a few weeks before the mac4x4.  It held up but its time to sort if properly!   You have certainly given me food for thought!  Cant leave it like this for long, can I! 

Does anyone know where you can buy flexi air pipe of a suitable width for sensible money?  Dont seem to be able to find any anywhere!



110 2.5 Petrol LPG powered
Discovery 300tdi - Sold to Sooty
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