Forum back online. Please post!
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* Tanglefoot wonders if this tread is related to this one,75128.0.html :roll:
Yeah, go on, it's a while since I've watched a good bitch fight on a forum :dance: :dance:
a surgestion for the site.......(dont know if there is an actuial section for it) but couldnt we have raitings? simmilar to other forums or ebay. obviously the higher the raiting the more trustworthy a mud clubber is and the only way they get a raiting is for others to press the button? just a thought.
Ive had several dealings with Club members, most of whom i have never met, i have found ALL the members ive dealt with to be honest and trust worthy; i for one would want to know who couldnt be trusted.They have sent me items before recieving any money, and one i gave a substantial amount of cash to purchase something on my behalf.I have never been let down by the members of our "family" of fellow 4X4er's, and really hope you can sort this out.Your problem should be dealt with by an area rep or administrator, before agreeing to name the guilty party. But then the guilty party should be named and possibly banned from the site.To the guilty party, if you are in the wrong sort this out amicably; if you have no intention of doing so then LEAVE!!!!!
sorryb to sy it but i may be leaving the club .reason is ive been let down by a club member over a purchase at the billing bash gave them plenty of chances to sort the issue out .they eaven said that they would reimburse me. but am still waiting after many cointacts with this member they seam to be blanking me now . so im just about up to here with it .so as above im sorry to say it but i think its time to go :( :( and :x :x at the same time