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Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
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Topic: Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP (Read 14643 times)
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Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
December 05, 2009, 17:20:37 »
Hi Guys,
I've dropped in from the Green Oval section in search of some assistance.
I ended up popping next door to assist my neighbour after he changed the fuel filter in his Son's Pajero. Here's the full story as to the best of my knowledge.
The Pajero - a 1995 'M' plate 2.8TD Auto has been suffering with occasional poor acceleration and the engine would stall every now and then. Turn the engine over a few times and it would start. Now the owner did some reaserch on the subject and decided that one cause of the problem could be the fuel filter. So today his father changed the filter and no the old girl simply won't start.
The filter is full of fuel. They've cracked the bleed screw off from on top of the filter and tried to start it, nothing comes out. They've cracked off an injector and again nothing comes out and she just sits there turning over. Apparently on this model there is no manual primer or lift pump. The Haynes manual mentioned removing the return pipe off of the fuel tank in order to prime the system but this still doesn't work.
I've offered to post this on here in the hope that someone out there might have experience of this problem and know how to fix it.
Your help would be gratefully appreciated.
96' Discovery XS TDI with Muds, Lightbar, Snorkel, Guardian Tank Guard, Steering Guard, Wading Kit, Winch Bumper and Winch...!!!! Lift kit next..... :-)
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Re: Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
Reply #1 on:
December 05, 2009, 18:50:49 »
mark there is a manual primer its either a white knurked screw out plunger that you pump while the bleed screw is undone or its a plunger on top of the filter housing but idf its been stalling after a few moments in the same place every day and starts after alot of cranking then fine for the rest of the day its fuel pump seals if it is tell them to keep a eye on the oil level in the sump because they fill the sump with fuel and will run there self until they blow up wil;l run on the diesel from the sump and just go bang
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Re: Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
Reply #2 on:
December 06, 2009, 10:08:42 »
Thanks for that mate,
However I'm a little confused as I've been told this vehicle does not have a manual pump system and relies solely on the fuel pump to prime and run the system. If you have any pictures that show the location of these manual pumps I's be grateful
Thanks again
96' Discovery XS TDI with Muds, Lightbar, Snorkel, Guardian Tank Guard, Steering Guard, Wading Kit, Winch Bumper and Winch...!!!! Lift kit next..... :-)
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Re: Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
Reply #3 on:
December 06, 2009, 12:09:03 »
heres one version of the manual primer its bolted to bulkhead the other is silmar but has a white knurled knob you unscrew and pump
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Re: Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
Reply #4 on:
December 06, 2009, 14:25:08 »
Thanks for that mate.
They found the primer on the side of the filter housing and have managed to get the girl going again. It looks like the plunger it's self was, and is the cause of the problem as it has been damaged by a previous owner and air was getting in around the seal. A temporary fix has been made and the old girl lives again.
Thanks a lot for all you assistance mate, it's gratefully appreciated
96' Discovery XS TDI with Muds, Lightbar, Snorkel, Guardian Tank Guard, Steering Guard, Wading Kit, Winch Bumper and Winch...!!!! Lift kit next..... :-)
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Re: Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
Reply #5 on:
December 06, 2009, 15:32:41 »
no probs mark at least it runs again
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Pajero fuel filter changed - Now won't start...HELP
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