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Done....Dear SirsI write in objection to the planned closure of the various Byways Open to All Traffic around Stonehenge as detailed in schedule 3 of the proposed order.The byways form part of England’s unique heritage and have provided rights of way to be used and enjoyed by all for many generations. Over time, the use of these rights of way will, inevitably, have changed from foot passage to horse and thereafter to carts and now motorised transport. This is the way of evolution and each change brings new challenges and opportunities.As such, the use of the current byways by vehicles is simply a means of accessing the countryside and it is inappropriate to discriminate against a particular user group in order to meet the sanitised needs of a commercial attraction.To suggest that motorised access along these routes would affect the ‘amenity and tranquillity’ of the site is farcical as the south side of the stones is bounded by the A303 – hardly the quietest road in the County!Likewise, these byways form an integral and historical route into the county of Wiltshire for those using the byways for recreational purposes – this use brings financial benefits to the pubs, campsites, restaurants, petrol stations and shops of the larger area.I am aware that there are many organisations who promote best practice in use of the byways – the most appropriate approach would surely be to engage with such organisations and enthusiasts’ groups to ensure that the site is treated with respect… after all, we are merely guardians of this environment for our children and should treat it as a fragile entity. As such, my children use the byways and have been brought up to respect the world around us.The proposed closures allow for continued use by agricultural machinery, the size and weight of which is likely to cause continued damage – this would suggest that the proposed closures are a knee-jerk reaction against motorised users rather than a genuine desire to create a sanitised and ‘tranquil’ theme park around Stonehenge.Finally, I would point out that, while training is always carried out off-road, the byways provide valuable experience of driving in varying conditions for the various members of 4x4 Response Teams around the country. These teams have been called on extensively in recent months, being asked to deliver meals on wheels, take doctors and key staff to hospitals, get paramedics to injured patients and so on. These drivers form a much needed part of our foul weather resilience plan and their capabilities may be reduced with the widescale closure of byways.In conclusion, education and engagement will enable these byways to remain open to be enjoyed by all as a leisure activity and I hope that you are able to deliver a facility that offers inclusivity to all… even those who wish to drive along our ancient rights of way.Yours Faithfully