Seeing since I've started going green laing a pay and play days I'm going to invest in my own one. The one i use is (my dads) a mini DV and is PITA to get the video back onto my computer as I don't have a firewire cable/card to be able to do so, so I would be looking for one with internal memory or SD card for easy transfer?
Been looking on which for a couple of hours and I'm non the wiser as they seem to contradict themselves a little on their * system and the reviews.
So in the real world £250ish as a max, as above only going to be used outside and i don't care about if there is a still image capability or the Mic performance because its only going to be capturing the sound of v8's and diseasal. I'm fairly competant at holding the camera still when filming and wont be doing much zoom filming.
Thanks in advance