AuthorTopic: 90 NAD Heater  (Read 1299 times)

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90 NAD Heater
« on: November 10, 2010, 14:44:14 »
Hi its my first winter of Land Rover ownership and its set to be a cold one unless someone can help warm my heater up.

I know they are not a great heater but i would not say my was very warm at all. I have taken it out got it up to temp and then felt the matrix pipes and they are not very hot the top rad hose is hot and to touch the engine its really hot, The Temp gauge does not go pass quarter.

I have noticed the the matrix seems quite loose in the heater box its rattling around so I will sort that but have you guys got any other ideas why it maybe not warm.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: 90 NAD Heater
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 20:49:54 »
For a start the water in the heater matrix should get as hot as the rest of the cooling system so it sounds like the matrix is blocked or air-locked, get that sorted and you are partway there.
If the matrix is loose in the heater-box then you must get that sorted as air will flow around the (hopefully now hot) matrix rather than through it, use heat resistant self-adhesive foam-rubber strip (available in handy lengths on Ebay) to make the seal.
When you re-fit the heater-box make sure you replace the heater-box to bulkhead seal otherwise you will loose warm air from there, new seals are about


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