AuthorTopic: Applying for jobs - moan  (Read 5023 times)

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Applying for jobs - moan
« on: July 25, 2011, 10:34:55 »
I am applying for jobs.
The fact I have been off radar for 9 years (no official work record,  no benefit claims, never signed on etc) has negated me even bothering applying for jobs based on my university qualifications, previous engineering experience or IT experience. So I have been applying for unskilled - no experience necessary minimum wage work in the local area, factory operator work mostly rather than retail/shelf stacking type jobs.

Things have changed in that now applications are made via email rather than letter and paper CV. My issue is that of all the applications I have made online in last couple weeks, not one has even acknowledged receipt. Have the days gone where a company gave the common courtesy of telling you thanks but no thanks? How much effort does it take to send a email in that regard? I am wondering if they are getting overwhelmed with applications for these positions. Maybe everyone has got a PHD these days and I have no chance. Around here I'd thought I get least a foot in a door for being able to communicate in English.
.swonk eno oN .esoht dna eseht ,siht dna taht ,wollof ot selur emos teg eW

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 12:19:57 »
You've got it. Just keep applying and eventually you'll get an agency phone you and ask a few questions.

Why not go IT contracting?  The markets pretty good for that at the moment and 300 - 400 a day is the going rate.
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 16:50:38 »
Have the days gone where a company gave the common courtesy of telling you thanks but no thanks?

That's something I found with Formula 1. When I was applying, many years ago  :rolleyes:, I was impressed by the fact that every single team I applied with replied. And even more impressive was the comment about keeping your details on file. Usually, you would think "yeah, right". But over 2 years after first applying, I got offered a post with Benetton. That dates it!

As you say, a little common courtesy costs nothing and keeps your morale higher than if you just get no responses.

Don't get down over it. Ask yourself if you would really want to work for a company with no common courtesy!

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2011, 17:42:56 »
Have the days gone where a company gave the common courtesy of telling you thanks but no thanks?

That's something I found with Formula 1. When I was applying, many years ago  :rolleyes:, I was impressed by the fact that every single team I applied with replied. And even more impressive was the comment about keeping your details on file. Usually, you would think "yeah, right". But over 2 years after first applying, I got offered a post with Benetton. That dates it!

As you say, a little common courtesy costs nothing and keeps your morale higher than if you just get no responses.

Don't get down over it. Ask yourself if you would really want to work for a company with no common courtesy!

The problem is the vast amount of applications now are dealt with by agencies not the company, so you've got to get past the brain dead 'tard at the agency first. If you've got qualifications which they don't have on their little list of things to look out for then your stuffed for starters...

Try to find out who the agencies are who deal with the big local employers that your interested in and pop down to their office to have a chat.
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2011, 20:24:16 »
most applications are filtered by computer long before they get infront of any real people

a tip to try is to type lots of corporate buzzwords "teamplayer" "customer focused" etc on your application using white text, that way the computer picks it up and a real person might just get to see your application

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2011, 20:35:58 »
a friend of mines partner works/worked for the sports car manufacturer somewhere in the midlands close to the M40, she delt with the stupid amount of job aplications each week. the sorting process at one point was whether she like the look of the envelope and internal paper, if yes it got looked at if no it got binned.

it pays to keep reapplying for the job but look around for other agencies advertising the position. The big companies have one agency to supply the workforce if they cant find a person the job search gets put out to other agencies so you could apply for the same position with 4 job recruitment firms and quite possibly you'll get through without being rumbled. change your cv to suit the job but be honest and don't fill it with BS

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2011, 21:25:40 »
hang in there! :smiley:
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2011, 15:27:34 »
Seems the norm these days not to get anyresponse..reflects badly on said companies IMHO
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2011, 18:47:21 »
 I found that unless they have a specific vacancy that is difficult to fill, agencies will not be interested in using you if you have been out of work for more than six months.
   I was out of work for two and a half years and yep theres a big cloud of depression floating around when companies dont even reply to an email application .
  It costs almost nothing for them to set up a standard reply of
     "sorry you didnt get the job mate"
 My particular skills are in a fast disappearing market, with only two vacancies in the last two years, the same agency that didn,t want me earlier for assembly work / driving work welcomed me like a lost relative when they had a centreless grinding vacancy.
 I,m now employed though  :grin:
 Don,t let it get you down Saffy, if I can get back to work then you can too mate :grin:
 Dont forget the power of friends mate, they are your easiest way back to work.


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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2011, 17:28:47 »
I applied for a few cherry picked jobs that are more in my field(s) and experience and have had a 2nd interview for one last week.

I'm waiting for the outcome and am so near puking today as I am anxiously waiting for what is a life changing decision. Thought I would have heard today but nothing so another restless nights sleep. I was barley nervous for the interviews but I'm a mess now.... out of my control I guess.

In other news I have another interview this Friday for a higher paid job but rather work for this other company if I can and not have to attend.
.swonk eno oN .esoht dna eseht ,siht dna taht ,wollof ot selur emos teg eW

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2011, 21:09:43 »
I retired last year (medical reasons)  and i am sooooooooo glad to be out of that scene ,have a different set of problems now like my pension fund has lost more than a third of its value,might have to sell the house and buy something smaller /cheaper so i have quickly learned that retirement doesnt mean sit back and put the feet up, it wont stop me laneing though  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2011, 08:27:13 »
I applied for a few cherry picked jobs that are more in my field(s) and experience and have had a 2nd interview for one last week.

I'm waiting for the outcome and am so near puking today as I am anxiously waiting for what is a life changing decision. Thought I would have heard today but nothing so another restless nights sleep. I was barley nervous for the interviews but I'm a mess now.... out of my control I guess.

In other news I have another interview this Friday for a higher paid job but rather work for this other company if I can and not have to attend.

So come on then?
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2011, 10:07:03 »
Not heard yet... have called and the M.D's are out the office this morn, but no decision has been made according to guy I spoke too.

Will take my mind off it by fitting new exhaust section to defender, give me something to swear at.
.swonk eno oN .esoht dna eseht ,siht dna taht ,wollof ot selur emos teg eW

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2011, 18:02:37 »
I applied for a driving job with a well known Warwickshire 4x4 manufacturer.  They use an agency for all their jobs and after an initial email application I was told someone from the agency would ring me.  When they did they did the exchange of names and pleasantries and then asked whjat my degree was in.  I don't have a degree and didn't think one would be necessary for delivery and test driving.  They told me it was 'well known 4x4 manufacturer's' policy to only employ graduates.

I have been working over 30 years and have held senior positions in IT and consultancy companies and that is the first time I have been asked about my degree.   I was only looking for some fill in work because my real job is very quiet at the moment.
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2011, 18:16:09 »

thanks all for the encouragement, am told formal job offer is on way!


.swonk eno oN .esoht dna eseht ,siht dna taht ,wollof ot selur emos teg eW

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2011, 18:26:03 »
And that is a good enough reason as anything to get blind drunk !

Congrats mate.
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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2011, 23:05:05 »
Good luck bud!

Fairly common thread in my trade (welfare to work). There are so many people applying for jobs. Add all the discrimination rules into it and I think they just find it easier to ignore apps so they don't trip themselves up.

I gather there's a job offer on the table, but for anyone else interested; what about contracting/consulting? Yes, it involves self-employment, but these days employers are just not able to guarantee income in the long term as they're stuck with small short-term contracts themselves. This means they need good people who can hit the ground running, but can't promise them a 'permanent' (whatever that means these days) job.

If you can develop a good network of forward thinking contract holders, you can bounce between them as/when they get work.

Just a thought...

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Re: Applying for jobs - moan
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2011, 22:04:27 »
Hard work ain't it.....Been in the meat trade for 28yrs, made redundant late August...had a few weeks off with kids, but looking at mo...Did have a job with UPS in pakaging, but due to wife working in HR they won't take me on, even tho i did all the interviews and job previews...Its seems all agencies now...and what delivery jobs there is all want "multi-drop " experience...


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