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Sold my pride and joy for next to nothing. Sad.
Don't get me wrong I don't go out playing at all cos I can't afford the risk of repairs on what is essentially a works truck(don't feel sorry though as I'm a farmer so there is no shortage of off roading) but I do think were I in a different position I would hock in the fender for a fast road car like a 911 as there are more and better opportunities to have fun that way.
Quote from: lambert on December 28, 2011, 06:20:32Don't get me wrong I don't go out playing at all cos I can't afford the risk of repairs on what is essentially a works truck(don't feel sorry though as I'm a farmer so there is no shortage of off roading) but I do think were I in a different position I would hock in the fender for a fast road car like a 911 as there are more and better opportunities to have fun that way. So what are these better opportunities for fun in a 911?????? all i can think of is a better opportunity to pay more insurance :rolleyes:and a great opportunity to spend more time in filling stations/workshops as they take loads of expensive servicing to keep them in tune -my son had a 02 model for a while and soon went back to a Supercharged Rangie,
Money is tight. I'm on disability benifits and my cherokee is my toy, and everyday hack. I was unable to get a 4x4 on motability, they wanted 2k advance payment on a jimny !!hence I had to buy the cherry. I can't afford to break it or have it off the road. I DO still have a play, it just requires a bit of restraint to minimise the chance of breakage, ok a 4L petrol isn't the cheapest to run, but it's a crackin drive, and I'm willing to put up with 12mpg round town.
Quote from: YT on December 30, 2011, 10:53:43Money is tight. I'm on disability benifits and my cherokee is my toy, and everyday hack. I was unable to get a 4x4 on motability, they wanted 2k advance payment on a jimny !!hence I had to buy the cherry. I can't afford to break it or have it off the road. I DO still have a play, it just requires a bit of restraint to minimise the chance of breakage, ok a 4L petrol isn't the cheapest to run, but it's a crackin drive, and I'm willing to put up with 12mpg round town.Sorry hate to be a stick in the mud, but that last post doesn't sit with me.Money it tight. You have bought a 2nd car as a toy. It's a 4.0 Jeep. It does 12 to the gallon but that doesn't bother you, but money is tight. I think a lot of this recession is hype being PUMPED AND PUMPED AND PUMPED by the media and the .gov. The torys are in power, they have one adgenda and that is to keep things they way they were (conservative) and that is for us, they working people, to make money for them, the toffs. If there is no money about and every one is up [!Expletive Deleted!] creak then why was the 2011 christmas sales season one of the biggest to date? The government it trying desperatly to stop people from having money (wage cuts, high fuel prices, pension increases, fear), but the reality of it is, there is little credit out there but it doesn't mean that people don't have money.
Just keep doing it.....52 vehicles on lanes...were reg numbers taken? Owners sites hassled..?[/quote] Mod Police didnt have the manpower to deal with them all as they like everyone else had a lot of the force on holiday, they were stopping the illegal trucks ie no RTax, Ins,Mot,etc,the rest of them did a starburst and legged it away, the did do a load of filming so probably grab some at a later date hopefully ,
The long and short of it is, people dont have the same amount of disposable cash they had. There is a large problem with knobs who dont give a sh*t about anyone else playing off piste. the only chance of keeping byways open long term would be an 'registered 4x4' scheme, where clubs/forums would register with CC's with the assurence that that group/club/forum would abide by whtrever code of conduct, and also suply photos of any off piste use by others. YES, grass them up. I have seen folk say, I'll never be a grass !, your call, grass up inconsiderate pratts, or loose yer hobby. Unfortunatly, this would require ALL the clubs and forums to buy into this,. The problem with this is, there are too many keyboard warriors who can bitch whine and complain all year long, but when it comes time to front up and be a bit proactive to save our passtime, they're nowhere to be seen, or spend an hour typing a post about all the downsides and pitfalls. It's heading for the start of a new year, perhaps a new approach is needed.You can be proactive, AND stay within the law.
And lets start with the mud-club gallery see at least 1 photo in there of a truck off the track, also a picture of a truck going down a lane which should have been left due to existing damage. There you go, there's number plates and everything, go phone the police.