Hi all. In a short while i will be attending orkney amongst other far northern reaches. As i am a hard yorkshire lad i will be going in my 90 and going the long way round. It will be great save for one little issue; fuel range. I know there are service stations north of the border but i am concerned that as i am not local i could well miss some of the smaller ones when i need them most so i was thinking to take a 20l jerry can with me in the back as a get out of gaol free card. So here is the actual question, i have some new ish jerry cans that are in good condition but they have only ever had cherry diesel in them for the tractors, if i were to put some derv in one and then need to use it in my car how big a risk would i be taking if i were to be dipped? Obviously the trace would be pretty small but would it be low enough to be let on my way? If i were to use the can full how many more clean tank fulls would it take for all trace to be lost? Alternatively how could i clean the jerry can to an acceptable standard before i put some derv in it? Cheers
Ps no i would rather spend the cost of a new jerry can on derv as i can get to go even further into the wilds.