Chat & Social => The Bar - General Chat => Topic started by: disco-v8 on March 14, 2007, 23:16:48
ok i dont no ive i was to drunk to remember, or just imagined it but do insa turbo do a 35" remould????
or any other compain that make remoulds do 35's ?????
basicaly im after 35 inch tyres but simex and bfg's are abit too much for me!!!!
in short, not that i know of :P insa special tracks only go up to 265/75
Marshall 35"s are £80ish each i think...........
is marshall a person or a company
Tyre manufacturer...... I might have a link somewhere i'll look.......
those ones? nobody seems to do a 35/10.5/16 other than simex :(
try fedima.........only speed rated to 62mph though
peter henry
A 315/75 x 16 is approximately the same diameter and width (to within a gnats), if the imperial sizes are proving too difficult. To be honest a metric in them sizes could prove to be hens teeth, too.
Fedima do a 35" - 10.5 - 16 with a Simex copy tread
Some people say they are not very good as they use a truck tyre carcass - but as far as I know those people have never tried them for themselves :roll:
adam the fedimas are ok if doing no road work but i wouldnt spend you money on them IMO m8y
the tyres on jims are insa's and are 265/75 r16
if you decide the marshal route, give me a bl**dy ring 1st, as i will be able get them cheaper than any1 else anywhere will :wink: and that a garuntee :wink: :wink: coff... JIM :wink: ....coff :twisted:
dan the f****n box 1st :shock: :shock:
disco v8
Fedima do a 35" - 10.5 - 16 with a Simex copy tread
Some people say they are not very good as they use a truck tyre carcass - but as far as I know those people have never tried them for themselves :roll:
last time i checked, the price difference just said to me (personally) go buy simex
if you decide the marshal route, give me a bl**dy ring 1st, as i will be able get them cheaper than any1 else anywhere will :wink: and that a garuntee :wink: :wink: coff... JIM :wink: ....coff :twisted:
price for 5 35x10.5x16 please :)
off top o me head...... 83 quid each inc vat springs to mind
but cant remember for sure, would have to check t morra
dan :wink:
off top o me head...... 83 quid each inc vat springs to mind
but cant remember for sure, would have to check t morra
dan :wink:
you do that sunshine! although to be honest if i put 35" on it i'd probably end up buying simex anyway
:roll: ....and hear alot off " ping's " :lol:
but yup, totaly agree
friend of mine was gonna spend 120 quid on 35 inch bf muds, i said to him, 30 quid a corner more you got simex :wink: ,
whats he got now :twisted:
aload of snapped halfshafts :P :P
well worth the money tho liam :wink: they really are, and they aint so bad ware wise really, mine done nearly 3k now, still got the little bobbings on them :roll: and have warn 1.5 mil so its nuffing really
considering they got nearly 20 mil of tread at the center and 35 mil at the buisness end of them :shock:
halfshafts/UJs/etc dont bother me, nor does tyre wear! end of the day, would you buy an aston martin to say "ohhhhh dear me... bit heavy on the fuel!" nah dont reckon so ;)
busted halfshafts give me more reason to fit HD shafts. i dont like to skimp, so would probably end up on simex! no point doing things on the cheap, with the exception of the insa turbo's, which are just wicked value
2BH tho liam, if your careful and just use the grip of the tyre and not clog it one on rough ground, you should be fine
but i bust the one in deep mud at idle rpm and that was enough 4 me, so fitted h/d to front aswel, now i aint got any fear and give it some grief and blow up center diffs instead :oops:
honest, get um.....wel worth the money, youll get insa's ( like mine and disco-v8s m8 jim did) then regret it as the extra hight that my simex have over his insa's allow me to drive places that he has winch,
just his crap driving tho i adam....what you reckon :lol:
yeah know what ya mean... not gonna go out with the intention of busting something obviously, but with my right foot its gonna happen some time! would just be a case of when it breaks it breaks... worry about it when the time comes!
sayin that though, we've had our 110 go to some really dodgy places where most people wouldnt even bother trying to get... managed it too lol!
well, at least you got the guts to try it, and i wouldnt worry about breaking things as its all part of the fun, o btw......word of advise....DO NOT CARRY SPARE SHAFTS !!! as it gives u a dum idea to start scrawling around upto your eyeballs in mud to replace the broken shaft :roll:
i dont carry shafts anymore, just 2 cv's :P and half a brain :lol:
well, at least you got the guts to try it, and i wouldnt worry about breaking things as its all part of the fun, o btw......word of advise....DO NOT CARRY SPARE SHAFTS !!! as it gives u a dum idea to start scrawling around upto your eyeballs in mud to replace the broken shaft :roll:
i dont carry shafts anymore, just 2 cv's :P and half a brain :lol:
no point in owning a land rover if you're not gonna abuse it eh? ;)
wel, no, some people take care in their land rovers :twisted: :P
ok....ill quit while im ahead............
oh it gets its share of care... it just gets used properly! :D