I took my Discovery (1995 300Tdi ES Manual) in to a local Air-con firm today for them to have a look at it, but there is something wrong and I can see it driving me mad over the weekend as I don't know what it is.
The story so far....
They charged it up with inert gas and found a leak, they were going to get me a quote done and leave it with the car for my wife to pick up this afternoon. She has collected it and says that they said they have faxed Land Rover who said you can't get the part now, so they are going to have to make one, and I'm to ring them on Monday.
The invoice for the 'check' only says in the work required box 'Replace leaking condenser pipe and regas'. I can't ring them up now as they are shut for the weekend, I've tried looking under the bonnet but nothing is 'marked', I've looked on my RAVE CD but I can't work out what it might be.
Does anyone know:
a) what the pipe might be that is leaking
b) the part number
c) if it is likely that I can get one from anywhere to save them making it
d) if it is likely to be expensive for them to make one
e) if the 'made' part would be cheap and so not worth the effort of finding.
If it is possible that I might be able to find a genuine part (or a copy) then I would rather know this before agreeing for them to make one.
Can anybody put me out of my misery?