No, not bullocks, the udder ones :!: (sorry)
Which one?
Beast - general descriptive term for an adult bovine.
Baby Beef - slaughter cattle weighing 700 to 1000lbs (approx 315 to 450kgs) at 9 to 15 months of age grading good or better for quality.
Beefling - a fat young cattle beast weighing 500kg (approx. 1100lbs) at one and a half to two years of age.
Bull - Entire male bovine animal of breeding age, usually over one year old.
Bullock - Mature castrated male cattle destined for meat production.
Bull beef - from entire animals instead of the fatter steer or bullock.
Calf - bovine animal less than a year old. (In some legislation six months old or even less).
'Bobby' calf - calf slaughtered whilst only a few days old.
Bob veal calf one to three weeks old, sold for baby veal, often the male calves from dairy farms, average weight 150lbs (68kgs).
Bull calf - entire male young animal up to stage of yearling.
Dairy Calf - calf of a mating between a bull and a cow both of dairy breeds.
Veal Calf - Specially reared, grown quickly and fed on special food aged up to three months.
Dairy Cow - cow of a breed specifically defined as being for milk production, as distinct from beef or dual purpose breeds.
Cow - mature female bovine after having had one calf. The term is also used to describe mature females of some other species, eg elk, moose, reindeer etc.
Cull Cow - Cow slaughtered out of herd for variety of reasons, eg age (over thirty months scheme), end of productive span, illness etc.
Dry Cow - a cow in the two - three month period between the end of lactation and the subsequent calving. Cows in which calving is imminent are close-up dry cows, or are freshening. Also refers to a mature cow that is not lactating whatever the reason.
Fat stock/Finished Stock - beef animals that are ready for slaughter.
Free-Marten - a female born with a male twin, usually infertile.
Heifer - young female bovine animal up to birth of first calf or in lactation following the first calving. May be qualified as replacement (to enter herd as a replacement for a culled cow), pregnant, maiden or spayed heifer. A springing heifer is in the last one or two weeks of pregnancy. After second calving known as a cow (also second calver).
Multiparous - female animal that has had two or more pregnancies resulting in viable offspring.
Maiden Heifer/Bulling Heifer - heifer before going the bull.
Maiden - a female, eg ewe, gilt, heifer, bitch, mare, of breeding age but not yet mated.
Primiparous - general term for any female animal that has had one pregnancy that resulted in viable offspring.
Stirk - regional term for a half grown animal, heifer or bullock, six to 12 months of age.
Steer - castrated male animal over one year of age.
Store Cattle - animals for beef which have been reared on one or more farms, and then are sold, either to dealers or other farmers. They are brought for finishing, normally well-grown animals of up to two years of age.
Yearling - an animal in its second year of age, eg yearling cattle, yearling filly, yearling colt.