Well, that was an interesting MOT.
I've bought some new springs and shocks, fully expecting the fact that there's a visible lean to the right to cause problems. That wasn't a failure item. I'm still going to get them done at some point, just not right now. That'll save a bit of money this month.
It has, however, failed on the trackrod end needing replacing (excessive play in the balljoint. I take it the balljoint is supplied if you just buy the trackrod end?), a wheel bearing, a leaky brake caliper (and poor brake efficiency, but I bet that's related to the caliper) and a bit too much smoke, which I'm hoping will be sorted if I change oil, air, and fuel filters, and run a bit of injector cleaner through.
Hopefully, I'll be able to do all this myself. The trackrod end is the only bit that I'm a bit nervous about, and I'm hoping that if I run into difficulties with the bearings, I'll be able to just walk into a garage and ask them nicely to press them into the hub for me.
Anyone got any other sage words?