I was down in Wales this weekend for The Hillrally. Travelling out to Bala on the Sunday morning and as I was passing through Llangwolen (sp?) I picked up a hitchhiker.
It turned out he was a committed anti-everything activist travelling under the disguise of being a 40-something bus conductor.
He spent the entire journey telling me about his antics at the G8 conference and how fuel should be rationed...
I spent the entire journey thinking "For gods sake, DONT tell him your here for an off-road rally..."
Fortunately, he was too wrapped up in his own rhetoric to really care about other people - but he did at one point say "I take it this is running on bio-diesel" and I stammered "Er, no, chip fat with sodium hydroxide in it..." Yeah - sure, with ordinary diesel being a penny under a quid in that neck of the woods, you can expect a few chip-shops to get ram-raided soon!
So I dropped him in Bala, he thought I was being really generous taking him right to the very door that he was going to, but really I was wanting to make sure that he was WELL AWAY from the service park!
The worst thing was - I only stopped to pick him up because he was wearing a flouresent tabbard - I thought he was a displaced marshall!!!