Cheers guys.
I can't get mine off for love nor money. Looks like I'll have to trash it.
I've done the diaphragm on mine, although i got very confused as my dot was at 6 o'clock and that itself was 15 degrees out from the *weakest* face of the pin. I came to the conclusion it was already set at 75 degrees from this point so I've turned it clockwise another 60 degrees, making 135 degrees CW from it's weakest setting.
I'm with Budgie, the star wheel adjustment made no noticeable difference apart from smoke so I've reset mine to original set up. It also raised the tickover a tad.
I could do with a little extra low pressure oomph thats why I'm trying to access to smoke screw. Rip it off and leave it off looks like my only option.