I've taken this off the Lada.co.uk forum.
one of its members had a Niva nicked and burnt out.
Anyone that may know any info would ber greatly appreciated,
R.I.P Lada Cossack
It has been found burned out in Ripley, Surrey.
The scum that stole it took my alloys (with brand new Bronco Diamonback Tyres) and the Honda Prelude seats that I spent a weekend custom fitting
I suspect the scum that stole it to be located in Ripley or very near to as the car was dumped about 1 mile from ripley and had been driven there with std lada wheels and just 2 wheels nuts on each wheel.
So if any of you do offroad day in surrey please can you keep your eyes peeled.
Why will it stand out?
1) I dont know of any other Lada owner to have fitted Honda Prelude seats to a Lada Niva (not an easy job)
See following pics to see them:
http://www.channel19.demon.co.uk/stolen/stolen.html2) 5 spoke alloys are fairly rare on Niva's, especially when one of the four alloys is stained much darker than the other! Should be easy to spot, (see above link for pics) especilly with Bronco Diamond tyres.
Should anyone see a lada fitted with the above, I would be grateful if you can get the registration.