Re; 9+Seaters In Lane 3You may recall i posted a copy from our transport law book regarding vehicles fitted with more than 9 seats are regarded as buses and therfore are not allowed into the outside lane of a motor way or carrage way with 3 lanes or above.
Could you look into it?
For yourself (so you dont get any daft points) and to put the rest of our minds at rest as to if this regards 11 seat Land Rovers.
I, for one, want to know that official line on this as a 110 is on my 'to-do' list at some point.
It's on my 'To Do' list.
I'm going to enquire with a West Yorkshire Police Traffic Officer when I see one next at the Hospital
I managed to 'button-hole' a Traffic Officer this morning & asked him. Admittedly he wasn't a M-Way man, but got his book of Traffic Laws out to flick through
It falls under the
'Motorways & Traffic (England & Wales) Regulations Act 1982', as Rule 12.
I've done some searching & it's as he interpretated it (there's been an amendment)
Consultation On AmendmentsCurrent Position1. The Motorways Traffic (England and Wales) Regulations 1982 Regulation 12 (1) (a) and (b) - restriction on use of right hand or off side lane, and the Motorway Traffic (Scotland) Regulations 1995 Regulation 11 (1) (a) and (b) -restriction on use of right hand lane - prohibit goods vehicles with a maximum laden weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes and
passenger vehicles constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver the maximum laden weight of which exceeds 7.5 tonnes, from using the right hand (or off side lane, in England and Wales) of a three or more lane motorway.2. This is because these categories of vehicles have been fitted with speed limiters to comply with the Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986, as amended. Once fitted with a speed limiter these vehicles are only capable of achieving 56 and 62 mph respectively
NB; Bold, underlined & italic-ed passges are my doing
So it looks as though the regulation applies to essentially (speed restricted) Coaches/Buses, as no LR weighs over 7.5tons.
I'd contact your local Traffic Police Office & enquire, as I was also told it could still be a bit ambiguous given the 110CSW's status in law as a 'Dual-Purpose Vehicle'
Although that Dual-Purpose depends on the role it's being used for (also tachgraph laws if towing a heavy trailer, but then lane 3 is out of bounds anyway)