AuthorTopic: swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts  (Read 1475 times)

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Offline Matt_H

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« on: March 08, 2006, 21:27:40 »
here's the scenario:

clunking noise coming from somewhere, most noticeable over a bump or especially if you steer left and right quickly whilst travelling over about 20 mph.  There's a kind of TACK noise which tends to happen the once, rather than over and over... if you are wiggling the steering it will tack several times.  Hard braking then coming to a rest sometimes does it too and certain kinds of bumps do it too.

I've gone over everything I can think of
Props - no play in the ujs although you can twist it a little but guess thats just normal gearbox and diff slack take up (no worse than others I've had)

Checked all the bushes I can see - all look in tact with no visible cracks (again I've had much worse) The only bush I can't see is the shock top.

Engine mounts, all botled down and rubber looks good.

The only thing that looks odd, is one of the hockey sticks, where it bolts into that u shaped bit with a bush, it's hard agasint one side.  I did a wiggle ofthe steering whilst stationary and it doesnt' seem to change sides anyway!

Its not making noise round corners like a CV is on it's way out, but I'm still suspecting them for some reason.

Before I parted co with the shell of the disco I took the complete hub assy with the drive shaft still attached (basically unbolted from end of axle tube) from both sides as well as taking the diff out.

Are the axle diffs/ drive shaft/ hub assy the same on the disco as an early 90?  I was hoping I could just swap the brake calliper (2 pipe to 1 pipe) and bolt both hub assys back into place.  I know the swivels and cvs were good on the disco as I just rebuilt them!  

Thanks for reading this far!

PS the starting is now sorted with an inj pump rebuild :)

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 21:31:12 »

Don't do it !

The 90 CVs are stronger than the Disco ones, so you'd be changing to a weaker set up than on the 90 at the moment.

Check the steering shaft UJ's for wear.. also check the swivels all move freely and with no notchiness.
Tim Burt

Offline Matt_H

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 21:37:15 »
well at the moment I'm all out of ideas, I dont know what a knackered cv would look like, having only seen a good one once when i took my swivel apart on the disco (never again if i can help it!)

I've checked the steering shaft too (under the bonnet)  I cant see how to check the in side cab part.  The other thing is that it will happen in a striagh tline so the steering doesn't have to be turned (it just helps).

How would I check the swivels for no notchiness?  I guess i need to jack the car up - can i turn by hand or do i need an assistant?

The only other thing is, I am totally out of money for a good few months after the £700 bill for the pump, so can't afford new 90 cvs, hense the idea to swap them overfor known good ones... so apart from them being weaker, are there any differences?  I guess if I did swap them I could always rebuild the 90 ones if it turned out to be those bits.



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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 21:46:02 »
Does it have an anti-roll bar and are the link's ok if it does?
The links on mine need replacing and after a bit flexing they tend to clunk when turning or going over bumps...  :?

Offline Matt_H

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 22:09:30 »
nope not got one of those.... Grrrr I hate odd clunks!


Offline chuggaman

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 19:47:39 »
panhard rod!!!!!

lie on your lrft side with foot against wheel and push with foot violently to get vehicle rocking...

whilst doing this you will hopefully hear if not see and feel the movement.

if you have the original landrover bushes they have many metal inserts surrounded by many rubber inserts....which make that metallic click sound..the one that sounds as if your brake pad got temporarily stuck and then slammed against the disc...

10.00 of polybush should do the trick..


Offline Matt_H

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2006, 20:36:17 »
Quote from: "chuggaman"

lie on your lrft side with foot against wheel and push with foot violently to get vehicle rocking...

trying to picture this, left side of body in contact with ground, which way is my head facing and which foot is pushing agasint what?

If it's panhard bushes, would that account for up and down ness making the clunk (normally as it drops into pothole or a big undulation on the road) but much more when wagling the steering?  Also I noticed when I drove along my favourite gravelled byway to work it really does go clunk clunk pretty much all the time!

Finally someone said about turning the steering - the car moves abuot 1/2 an inch side to side when you do that stationary, no idea if that is normal or not.

Oh I do hope its those bushes, that would make like so much easier :-)



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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2006, 20:56:51 »
Quote from: Finally someone said about turning the steering - the car moves abuot 1/2 an inch side to side when you do that stationary, no idea if that is normal or not.

Oh I do hope its those bushes, that would make like so much easier :-)


Hi matt that statement does it for me ive had exactly the same fault
on a raro a disco and a 110
im 99.9% certain you have either one or both PanhardRod Bush's

further to the fault finding by lieing on the floor

lie on youre left side facing youre front diff in front of the car DOH!
close enugh to be able to reach the panhard rod then
using youre right leg give the left front wheel a good hard shove
whist looking at first one end then the other of the panhard rod
i almost guarantee you will see excesive sideways movement
at one end or the other possibly both btw excessive movement
will be any more than 3 or 4 mm..

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2006, 21:18:12 »
well if it is that I will be happy as well as really [!Expletive Deleted!] off... guess what i chucked with the axle last week?  A blooming panhard rod and two bushes (ok so they were disco ones and prolly wont fit) but when they say you get rid then need it, it really is true...

sold disco engine complete - need a new pump for the 90 costing twice what i sold (gave away) the engine for

gave away the rear axle complete to a mate - needed a new disc brake calliper on the 90 a week after.

oh well.. I'm sure it's not the first, or the last time I'll do something like that!

Thanks guys!

Offline Matt_H

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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2006, 22:53:57 »
right then, ian got under car and noticed things moving about 2-3mm when they sholdn't be moving so we got the bushes replaced on the panhard rod.  They were polly bushes and the holes were off centre by about 2-3mm each end.  The metal itself hadn't broken up though.

Anyway things seem better now that's replaced -the clunk is still there, jut not as pronounced ro frequent (time will tell though on the way to work)

As I may have mentioned I noticed one of the hockey sticks was all over to one side, I bashed this back to the centre again but haven't had a change to see if it has gone back to one side.

I'm guessing the rest of the bushes up front may be past it as well, so I think those should be done next.  I did try removing hockey sticks from the dico but found it impossible.. is there a knack or is that one best left for the garage?


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swapping disco to defender swivels and drive shafts
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2006, 21:12:35 »
right time for a bit of closure - or maybe not

anhard rod bushes seemed to make things better, but I had moveda hockey stick.. Replaced all the hockey stick bushes, but clunk still there.

Also noticed one of the suspension turrents nuts have come off so thats next on the list... Finally thing will be to fit a louder stereo and not worry about it!



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