CRAG Partner with Powys CC to get TROs Lifted
The Countryside Recreational Access Group and Powys County Council have agreed to work together to lift the TROs on some of Mid Wales most popular lanes.
CRAG will provide volunteer labour and some plant and equipment whilst the ROW department will supply stone and other materials to complete the works.
A survey and works schedule has been jointly produced by the Powys’ Senior Rights of Way Maintenance Officer and the CRAG Regional Team Leader.
Work on the first two byways at Llanoley aka Slasher Alley will commence during May. It is proposed that the project will be completed in two phases, the first will involve the digging of drainage ditches to remove the various areas of standing water. The second phase will involve the laying of up to 250 tonnes of stone in the worst affected areas and deepest ruts.
There are currently six TROs on Powys Byways and it is hoped that most of these can be lifted over the next two years by close co-operation between CRAG and Powys ROW Department.
Anyone who is interested and able to lend a hand in these works is asked to register their interest by email to so that more information can be provided once project dates have been agreed.
This is an edit as I can not post a reply.
Most of the work that is done by CRAG members is done in the area that they live and people are willing to help.
I have a meeting planned with NCC ROW office to try to get some work done down there. It will mean a day off of work for me, but I am wiling to give it a go. Some council’s will not let volunteers work on byways.
There is nothing stopping anyone approaching the local council and asking if they can plan something. Even if it’s just cutting back a few branches. It’s up to someone to get up and do something about it and not moan about the fact that nothing is been done. Another point is that CRAG is only 6 months old, I for one think in that time we have done quite a lot, others might not, but each to their own.