Having looked at the web site and the aims of it, it all looks very complicated and possibly expensive? Could you tell us a little more about it in laymens terms so that we know what would be involved and what equipment etc. we would need own or purchase to be a part of it?
I dont want to put a downer on it cos it does sound like a really good idea although as Drum pointed out most of us on here are more north east than north west.
Thanks :D
sorry if the answer is a bit vague but
i assume that there will be a cost to members as most groups, clubs, organisations need funding. though funding can be from other sources including grants and fund raising by members and donations from industry.
as for training as an organisation and part of a national group i would hope to gain sizeable discounts in any training that takes place
as for equipment i dont even own a tow rope, but i know most land rover owners are well equipped for off roading and its not possible to prepare for every situation
the first concern is to become active to do this we need members then we can organise funraising, training and securing links with emergency services organisations and councills in the area
Hopefully all questions will hopefully be answered atour first meeting
the web site for the national organisation is
http://www.4x4response.net/i believe one area group is in the process of recieving charitable status