I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I can't find the thread, so let's have another chat about it !
My 110 ('53 Td5 factory hardtop) will need a test in November, and looking at the V5 the 'Revenue weight' is 3500kg, which puts it into MoT Class 7. I spent last night Googling and found various sites that dispute the need for a 110 to be in Class 7 - and then I (hopefully) struck gold and found
www.glencoyne.co.uk, the guy on there has had it in writing from VOSA that even if a vehicle weighs up to 3500kg, as long as it has the ability to power all 4 wheels (full or part-time) it can be tested Class 4, but, only if the ULW (unladen weight) does not exceed 2040kg.
And..........apparently the 6th Edition MoT Testing guide confirms this.
Has anyone on here had a 110 Hardtop tested Class 4 ?, can anyone confirm the ULW of a 110 ?