Pockley Moor, North Yorkshire
Guys and Girls,
Some of you will know this lane and its current status. The highways department are making a move to make this a permanent TRO.
Yes I know its a bit late, but I only recieved this last night.
If you get a minute today (before tonights post)
Just scribe down your objection to the move to make it a permanant TRO.
This is the message I got,
"This UCR has been TRO'ed for the last 5 years. There is a move to make it a permanant TRO.
Please write to the AREA TRAFFIC MANAGER at the address below and say youe object to the closure stating it is an important route across the moors and you are willing to maintain it if required.
The land owner has built a new shooting track across the moor since its closure so there can not be grounds for closure of this route on environmental sensitivity."
Mr.P.Renshaw, Highways Department Area 4, Manor Vale, Kirkbymoorside, North Yorkshire, YO62 6EG.
Letter has to be there on MONDAY 26th JUNE 2006.
I realise its short notice, but if you could it would help a lot.