eventho everyone h8s scorpion !!!! i luv em cant knock colin and roz great treatment keep regulars happy they do just like simon at d4x4 he keeps his customers sweet
ahhhhhhhh that's nice to know!
So sweet of you to say. Not sure I see the relevance of mentioining it on this thread, but you probably feel they get such a bad press from non regulars.
Don't think it's fair to Devon 4x4 to compare their great reputation with SR's though! :roll: :roll:
back to the post..
As mentioned above the paddock kits have a good reputation, so do the Britpart ones. Britpart also do a 1.5" kit.
It seems to be a bit variable but with a 2" lift you risk affecting castor angle and propshaft angle. Castor will make the steering feel vague around centre, especially at motorway speeds. This can be corrected cheaply with castor corrected bushes, more expensively with castor corrected radius arms, and even more expensively, but best way is corrected swivels. All work ok. Correcting castor with bushes and arms has caused prop vibrations on some Defenders.
If you end up with prop vibrations to cure it you'll need a new prop. Either DC one or wide angle.
When changing out springs, soak everything in WD40 for a couple of days before a few times. You might as well replace all bolts. I would change out turret rings for heavy duty ones while you are there and chack front shock turrets as standard ones are prone to rust. For the cost too, I would change out spring retainers for HD items too. All of this can be ordered from Paddock.
Your Shocks do not affect your ride height, just the springs. To check shocks, jump up and down on each corner
and check for damping effect. If ok, you can leave shocks alone for now - if you fit longer springs though you will need longer shocks to maintain the same level of suspension travel.
A word of caution when fitting longer shocks, like +5" inch ones mentioned above. Fitting +5" shocks on +2" lifted Defender means that you now have +3" of shock travel. If your radius arms allow you to use this, your brake lines will be further stretched and without looking at upward shock travel and bump stops you may be pushing the shocks past their upward travel point. This will soon knacker your shocks.
If you don't want to worry about any of this and want to leave suspension travel as standard then fit shocks that are same length over standard as your springs.