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Hi EvilgoatAs promised in my very first post - after that little time I've located the legal position regarding HUD's.Providing the display is not substantially less transparent than the versions now coming out in the new BMW's and imported Corvettes etc then HUDs are not unlawful.Basically so long as it is clearly transparent and does not impair the driver view it is not unlawful.Hope that helps :)
Miroring the fonts is gonna take forever...
Hi EvilgoatI keep re-reading my remarks on blue led's and still don't think I made it clear - hehe so ... here's the exact line on em as per Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1989 (part of construction and use regs)- as far as displaying blue light to the front they are not illegal they only become illegal in one circumstance as stated earlier if they flash
The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 Restrictions on fitting blue warning beacons, special warning lamps and similar devices 16. No vehicle, other than an emergency vehicle, shall be fitted with-(a) a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp, or(b) a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp, whether the same is in working order or not.
Optional lamps, reflectors, rear markings and devices 20. Every optional lamp, reflector, rear marking or device fitted to a vehicle, being of a type specified in an item in column 2 of the Table below, shall comply with the provisions shown in column 3 of that Table.
Techincally, many (probably all) of us running fog lights on roof bars are also in breach of these regs! even on green lanes as these are subject to all relevant legislation.
And at the risk of ranting..... how can anyone be expected to obey lighting regs when those gents in the silver Astras wont?
BMW for the traffic cars eh? hmm we have Volvo V70's and Jaguar X-Types - Our fleet of nice new Range rovers is lovely too but I don't get to even smell the leather interior on those!
We have a souped up Subaru Impreza turbo but I find that hideously embarassing so try not to acknowledge it's existance most days.Next we'll fit it with a massive stereo system and prove we can drive up and down the same street waking everyone up and trying to look cool (technically its for road educations - it's aparently all the boulevard cruisers understand)
my mate from fife now resides in 'berdeen is one of those boulevard cruisers,