AuthorTopic: Modern car towing eyes  (Read 848 times)

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Offline nosnibod

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Modern car towing eyes
« on: August 28, 2006, 22:52:36 »
Did the good samaritan bit at the weekend at the Mildenhall Cycling Rally - half a dozen motorhomes and BWSOWs dragged out of the overflow campsite in between thunderstorms. A nicely off-camber exit to the field caused much hilarity for all concerned :lol:

What was annoying was just how many cars have absolutely useless towing eyes - just how you get a shackle or a hook onto half of the ones examined beats me. Ended up having to unhitch most of the cars and take their vans out behind the 110 - the cars all made it out solo fortunately.

What was also strange was watching all of the drivers having no clue whatsoever how to drive on mud - lots of revving and messing about.

Meanwhile I'm towing things around on tickover :roll:

Offline bullfrog

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 22:56:18 »
We did the same at sodbury in our merc 230 estate with loaded trailer !!
Loads of muppets wheel spinning and going nowhere and us pottering about on tickover !
Its auto which helps but still... ? Road tyres and 2wd !

Offline Bush Tucker Man

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2006, 23:11:29 »
Quote from: "bullfrog"

Loads of muppets wheel spinning and going nowhere and us pottering about on tickover !
Its auto which helps but still... ? Road tyres and 2wd !

Used to do the same with our Punto TD (mark 1) when it snowed.
So long as it wasn't too steep, or deep, I'd just drive past all the 'poser owned' 4x4's, who were sitting there in 2wd.

Used to get some really nasty looks, could've have been the fact that I wa laughing at them though??
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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 23:25:58 »
I have done the good smaritan on a xantia that had rolled down a hill after the handbrake failed and it rolled over a slight bank and hit a wall. In the process of towing it out the rear eye failed.

Probably lucky for me, the recovery lorry pulled the while rear subframe to bits trying to winch it out.

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Re: Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 01:07:36 »
Quote from: "nosnibod"
What was annoying was just how many cars have absolutely useless towing eyes - just how you get a shackle or a hook onto half of the ones examined beats me.

Yep seen a few poor excuses half buried in the plastic bumper and with all the strength of a soft drink ring pull  :lol:

What was also strange was watching all of the drivers having no clue whatsoever how to drive on mud - lots of revving and messing about.

I know what you mean - the same thing happens here with snow - you'd think people living in Scotland would be experts at it but ... although many have mastered a reverse downhill freestyle that I consider truly worthy of Olympic Gold  :lol:  :lol:
Way back then - life crawled out of the mud, then it decided life was better and crawled back in!

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Offline Range Rover Blues

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2006, 03:23:29 »
Used to love my Cavalier 1.7 Deisel in the snow, not enough power to get into trouble,nice and heavy too with smooth delivery.  No ground clearance though :?

As for towing eyes, I carry a couple of dinky sized shackles just in case, came in handy at WWW2 for Barry's funterra.  I can't vouch for other manufacturers but on a Ford the towing eyes should be able to lift the car vertically, provided tin-worm hasn't set in.
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Offline nosnibod

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2006, 08:21:58 »
Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man"
Used to get some really nasty looks, could've have been the fact that I was laughing at them though??

I couldn't resist the "smug satisfaction" grin once or twice  :(biggrin):

One muppet had a huge twin axle motorhome that he'd managed to bury in the mud. He was revving away and getting frustrated so for safeties sake I asked him just to leave it in neutral whilst I towed him out of the gloop  :roll:

Whilst gently trickling along on tickover I had my right foot out on the side step while I watched the strain being taken up on the strop and the motorhome start to move. Only when someone said later did I realise that this looked a bit strange to a normal car driver who doesn't have a low 'box and loads of torque. Certainly shows Land Rovers in a good light  :D

Offline Lucy1978

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2006, 13:35:35 »
I can vouch for the towing eyes on a BMW, towed some chav in a 3 series out of a ditch on Saturday. The roads may be a safer place had I left him there  but I couldn't resist the feel good factor of helping people out not fortunate enough to be driving a landy ;)  33 year old series 3 and a 3 year old 3 series, couldn't have planned it better.

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2006, 16:07:15 »
i have to keep a few smaller shackles in my truck for just such an occasion, some of the chaved up motoes my mates have had and ive had to tow out of situations have been stupidly small.

one didnt even have a towing eye because it looked silly comeing through bodykit  :shock:

luckliy i never had to move this one, would have been a strap round slam panel and go  :D  :D

v8 landrover hybrid - is mad fun!

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2006, 22:07:13 »
i bought some small shackles for this reason.

another thing you can use if you are struggling is 8mm or similar nylon rope doubled/quadrupled up.

rover 200 rear eyes seem ok...i winched my RRC up our drive off the back of mums when my diff went  :lol:

...lovin dirty days out...

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2006, 23:03:30 »
Quote from: "Bush Tucker Man"
Quote from: "bullfrog"

Loads of muppets wheel spinning and going nowhere and us pottering about on tickover !
Its auto which helps but still... ? Road tyres and 2wd !

Used to do the same with our Punto TD (mark 1) when it snowed.
So long as it wasn't too steep, or deep, I'd just drive past all the 'poser owned' 4x4's, who were sitting there in 2wd.

Used to get some really nasty looks, could've have been the fact that I wa laughing at them though??
i used to do the same in my metro and mk punto 1.2 and i used to tow cars out of ditches with it  :lol:

Offline DaveS

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Modern car towing eyes
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2006, 09:54:22 »
We towed three caravans and a VW combi off  wet and muddy camp site pitches in France a couple of years ago, front wheel drive cars with a caravan plus wet grass = no traction!

Thats why we have the Frontera as our tow car and a Rangie for fun!

We renamed our Frontera Thunderbird 2 that holiday!
One dutch guy was amazed we couild pull his van and car together -diesel plus low box no problem!

On a previous holiday we rescued a caravan for a Granada driver so the next day he invited us for a few drinks, as we sat outside we watched a snooty family in a BMW get their outfit stuck on the grass-despite being advised by the receptionist to park on the hardstandings!! :x

They then went and moaned at her so she conveniently forgot sher could speak english! :D

They asked me to tow them out but we had been drinking (quite a bit!)but said we would do it in the morning!!

A nice man with a Disco pulled the wjhole outfit oot with much mick taking from all concerned!!! :roll:  His comment "you want to get a decent towcar mate!"
V8 Rangie love it!!SOLD
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