I have been asked off a very good Landrovering fellow to post this:
Our Scout Trailer has been stolen.
I am sending you this email to see if you can help to locate our Scout PR
Trailer I have attached some pictures of it.
It will have had all the scout logos taken off it by now, so it will just be
white now.
If you see it, it may still have the Alan Fish electric stickers on the
mains unit on the inside and on the front next to the input socket, and two
little Holt and Baldwin silver labels on the lift up lid and may be selling
beef burgers now.
It was taken from 6th Ashton Scout Group on Tuesday 7/11/06 after they had
cut the lock off the gate and the two wheel clamps.
SDO Paul had a call from Oldham Council on Wednesday 8/11/06 that they were
going to charge him with Fly Tipping as they had found a load of leaflets
and signs dumped on Coal Pit Lane in Oldham, so that's the way the trailer
If you see it please let me know.
Yours Alan Fish DAetc.
North Tameside Scouts.
Alan Fish
2 Clarance Road
Ho 0161 339 5901
Bus 0161 330 0305
Fax 0161 330 3391
Mo 07931765120