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Hmm, well living in Calgary my next door neighbor had a huge truck and a runabout. The runabout was an 88 honda accord. You could open the doors by reaching through the rust hole in the drivers door and manually pull the back of the internal doorhandle. It had no passenger side door sills to speak of, burnt more oil than petrol, no handbreak and bald tires. Now the last two youd spot being a sensible person, but you thing joe public is conns spot sill rust, realise how unsafe that makes the car and voluntarilly get it fixed? Another one was the Ford Ramger with a railway tie as a bumper. Sure wouldnt like to test that the hard way.And the first accident when someone's sealbelt or worse child seat, tears the anchors out?Or the first multiple pile-up on the M25 when someones steering column comes apart?I like the fact that when I slam on my brakes to avoid something knowing that A) My brakes are going to work, and B) that theres a bloody good chance the brakes of everything behind me will as well.I would suggest anyone that thinks the MOT is a waste of time spend a month driving where they dont have them.
Some cars with body kits won't fail MOT on sills as they are covered by the kit and the tester is not allowed to remove anything to check. Madness. I think we're both wanting the same end result. I just question whether the MOT will ever be the best tool to achieve it with!Simon.
scrap the emissions test for diesels anyway