well, SWMBO (on my orders) took the disco for a spin today - after 1 mile - she stopped and found that the entire Liquid contents of the coolent had decided they wanted to be free
..so Now I have to trace the leak and try and fix it - judging by the amount its losing I THINK i can rule out the head gasket - as it doesnt appear to be coming from the top - more like the middle of the engine - so possible core plug???????
And as usual with these things - out bank balance is at its lowest - and we have Huge bills due in
so whatever we do - aint gonna be for a while - so bang goes our weekend away down our van - and anychance of a daytrip too - as 6 people cant fit into a peugeot 106..!!
Are you sure its NOT FRiday 13th???????
have to :D or else i'd