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Topic: RIP two gerbils (Read 656 times)
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RIP two gerbils
August 19, 2007, 07:49:40 »
came back off holiday a week ago to discover one of the gerbils had died whilst we were away, not a bad innings 2 years 9 months, and had to take the other one to the vet yesterday to have it put down as it was pining so much it developed various nasty infections and gave up on eating - she would not even eat her chocolate drops!
now have two devastated children
only plus side is that i have organised 2 furry companions of the feline persuasion for their birthday next week - i was a bit worried about the gerbs, however our previous feline was actually scared of them!
did try to get them early but the lady i am getting them from has just had her baby 4 weeks early and for some reason is a bit busy :lol:
will post piccies of the monsters with their new monsters once we get them - the breed we are going for is ragdolls. i had put some money away from mum's estate specifically to buy two pedigrees - i know it is something my mum would have approved of.
Sonar - DII V8 now become a toy
Pugsley (peugeot 407) now sitting dead in a garage workshop, being replaced by Yeti the kia carens!
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love is....a husband who is prepared to put petrol in his wife's V8 without flinching - now has admitted to flinching occasionally
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #1 on:
August 19, 2007, 12:05:16 »
sorry to hear about the gerbils.
have you tried pet rats they are lovely like little dogs my kids love um altogether i think we have had around 7 this time we've gone for boys a dumbo huskie rat and a Siamese they are really friendly and love to sit on your shoulder or in kids hoods!!
North Nottinghamshire rep for GLASS
martha focker
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #2 on:
August 19, 2007, 17:11:45 »
pet rats are ace i used to have 1, it nibbled my finger nails, so i never had to cut them myself, never chewed my skin though lol :D
when you go and buy 1 though, put you hand in the cage, this will then determine the most friendly :D
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #3 on:
August 19, 2007, 22:15:23 »
My son had a rat & I could'nt get away with it :roll: it alawys tried to take a lump out of me :twisted: My wife had mice ( in a cage) they were great little things, used to put the male in his ball when I cleaned him out. Used to put him in the sitting roon & next thing you knew he was back in the kitched teasing the 3 jack russell's by raming them with his ball :lol: :lol: Head dog thought it was great mouse & ball at the same time yummy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #4 on:
August 20, 2007, 04:51:49 »
the mrs has two rats cheeky little [!Expletive Deleted!] they are :lol: if you tell one of them off for something they will sneak up bite your toe then leg it and hide !
gettingb their revenge :twisted:
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #5 on:
August 20, 2007, 23:21:13 »
If you want longevity in the life or your pets I'd recommend a snake go for an American rat snake other wise called corn snake cat catches mice snake eats mice gets cleaned our once every 2 weeks loves being handled and doesn't bite. even if they do it's not really noticeable.
Or a tarantula both can live for 30 odd years. Rats are great but ferrets are even better. :lol: :lol:
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #6 on:
August 20, 2007, 23:41:46 »
we had a californium red sided garter snake for around 10 years it was great but prefer my pet rats
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #7 on:
August 21, 2007, 13:29:52 »
We lost Jake the snake for 6 weeks found him currled round the curtain pole inthe living room one day. he'a 5ft now. :roll:
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martha focker
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #8 on:
August 21, 2007, 15:07:31 »
hahahahaha, was he trying to blend in :lol:
i agree that pet rats are more fun though:D
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #9 on:
August 22, 2007, 00:58:05 »
Nobby our hamster is the cutest lil furball you`ve ever seen, doesnt mind been stroked, not too keen on been picked up, but never bites..... he helped me grease his wheel tonite, so might get a good nights sleep! :lol:
Stinkerbell (AKA Stell, Twinkle) the ferret is also a great pet, not had her long, and still a bit wary of her nipping, but the funniest pet by a long way, so inquisitive, yet the unnecessary, almost comedy routine movements... everything has to be investigated, several times!
Milo the dog, (big German Shepard) is the stereotypical mans best friend, always there when i`m at home, will play for days on end.... not all there. loves sticks, and not fussed if they are still growing.... or how big, to him, a stick is a stick, and if he has to hang from a branch 5ft in the air, he will!
Shadow the dog (alsation cros) 15 years old, like having a little old lady around, takes ages to get up stairs, occasionally forgets shes old and plays like a puppy!
Fish - 4 ft tropical tank with gppies, platys, molies, red eye tetra, lemon tetra, neons, white cloud minnows, plecs, corys, monster golden sucking loach (6" long, still growing!) silver shark, clown loach, khuli loach, and an armourd shrimp! - better than the TV
had two budgies, they were great, especialy when they decide to join in with the telly, or start dancing! sadly one died, the other went soon after (pining for companion again!)
..and a SWMBO, has advantages, costs a fortune... does make me laugh tho! :lol:
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RIP two gerbils
Reply #10 on:
August 22, 2007, 09:47:24 »
at the moment we have
3 dogs - 8 month old lab pup -boy he's a nutter - loves the kids to bits
5 year old rough collie - boy hes also a nutter and very talkative -also loves the kids to bits
11 year old afghan X collie shes great don't know youv'e got her half the time
3 cats - the 'can't se[arate them factor came in' not me simon two girls and 1 boy
4 massive goldfish and 2 sucking loach's they like to moce the gravel in their tank about !!!!
and finally our 2 baby boy rats at present they can get out their cgae - matt found one in the middle of the night on settee!!!! but they go back and not chewing anything so at mo not a problem - left other rats cage open several times by accident they always go home!!!
North Nottinghamshire rep for GLASS
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