AuthorTopic: Global warming... (ere we go..)  (Read 610 times)

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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« on: November 30, 2007, 00:36:15 »
I`m sure the first few clicks will be with an angry finger, but read on...
As part of our works ISO1400..1?erm thingy, we as a company are taking seriously the environmental aspect of our work.. basically the office instead of having one bin, has 15.. and as my bit i have opted to act on water saving at toilet time.. "if its yellow let it mellow, if its brown, flush it down.."

yes money is a factor, although naturally i couldnt possibly say anything but our company has opted to take responsibility and improve its impact on the environment.. anyway, the reason this is on here is that i`ve taken a bit of an interest (i`m the natural target for been labelled as No. 1 planet killer :roll: ) and have come up with some interesting stuff....

a landrover is good for the environment - 80% of the vehicles produced are still in use, and most of the rest have been re-used as spares for the others!

we`ve had all the points before aboput how a 4x4 isnt as bad as the green haired bunny huggers think, remould tyres, durability etc....

lets also look back at how human activity has changed mean global temperatures..

you will note that typically the temperatures have been a steady rise til around 1930, when it went up... and from then.. continued to rise... industrial revolution, mills kicking out tons of burnt fossil fuels.. very little change until yep, we start a couple of world wars...(moreso 2nd)

since then, yep its risen... what has the world (or america at least been doing? - bombing the babbins out of the oil fields.. gulf war.... recent events in `stan...

undoubtably the motor car has quite possibly been a factor, but lets face it, when did gas an electricty become a popular feature in homes? yep, right around the beginning of the rise...
how many homes in the uk are NOT heated by gas? and how much more of the country is lit up at night... many times more than say pre 1930`s
fairly constant til present, but a bit of a drop around 90`s.. lets see, bill gates invents windows.. and computers become useable... going up!

unfortunatley, this is about as far as we could go, as records only started then, and the early stuff probably isnt that accurate...

but lets consider the bigger picture... lets look back say, oh.. 10,000 years age, what does that tell you about global temperatures? 10,000 years ago it was bloomin cold! what happens after an ice, the thaw age?! well, if that isnt another term for "global warming" i could well have a genetically modified monkey with 3 butts cryogenically frozn and sub-atomically grafted to my left ear lobe...

now with this in mind you have to think, hmm, so whens the next ice age likely to start... well, ice ages typically arrive every 10,000 years... and the last one was..................................................................

....well, i`m getting my de-icer, and throwing my thermals in the disco, and heading to the sahara.....!  :lol:

this theory continues here

an open mind is probably the best thing to keep, as there is so little we know about our planet, and we are unlikely to see in our lifetimes if we were right or wrong, but shouldnt we be more concerend about how to stabalise the planet, and how we could change it either way...? if of course we should change it.....

what would jesus do?

big subject, and lot of opinions...

It has been said that, given enough time, a million monkeys bashing at a million typewriters would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Saxo forums, we now know this to be wrong

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Offline Range Rover Blues

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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 00:48:07 »
Well here's a couple of things for you.

Why is Greenland so-called? it's covered in snow which IIRC is white :?

Because when the Vikings invaded it was green, they raised cattle there.

Aparently there is substantial historical evidence to prove that the planet has been warmer in the past.  Ocasionaly it heats up more than the "norm".

The UN has chosen to lie to us about this though, they produced a report on global warming and despite being advised about the relative credibilty of their prefered means of recording historical data (something about tree rings and it's woefully inaccurate) they biased their reuslt to completely iradicate any trace of a medieval blip in temperatures.

WHY, why lie to us?

Is it coincident with the fact that Mars is also getting hotter? I havn't been driving around up there, not even in my sleep.

It's got more to do with the fact that the people who shout loudly about global warming have their livelyhoods tied up in making people listen.

When I was very young I remember being threatened by the start of a new ice-age, but no-one listened as it during the cold-war (no punn intended).

What really drives it is Solar activety, the sun runs hotter every so often, it goes in cylcles and this current cycle is a bit wild, it ran cooler than normal 30 years ago and now it's running hotter.

But no-one will get elected on the back of a "ban solar flares" campaign.
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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 04:41:08 »
This is weakly strung together nonsense.

Quote from: "Range Rover Blues"
Well here's a couple of things for you.

Why is Greenland so-called? it's covered in snow which IIRC is white :?

Because when the Vikings invaded it was green, they raised cattle there.

Aparently there is substantial historical evidence to prove that the planet has been warmer in the past.  Ocasionaly it heats up more than the "norm".

The UN has chosen to lie to us about this though, they produced a report on global warming and despite being advised about the relative credibilty of their prefered means of recording historical data (something about tree rings and it's woefully inaccurate) they biased their reuslt to completely iradicate any trace of a medieval blip in temperatures.

Now I never normally rely on Wikipedia, as it can be edited, but the supporting links prove the entry beyond reasonable doubt.

As you can see, the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) wasn't as hot as you might expect (it was hotter in the 1940's), but the time period over which the period lasted made gradual changes to the Greenland ice, making it green.

Quote from: "Range Rover Blues"
WHY, why lie to us?

No-one is lying to you, calm down a bit.

Quote from: "Range Rover Blues"
Is it coincident with the fact that Mars is also getting hotter? I havn't been driving around up there, not even in my sleep.

It's got more to do with the fact that the people who shout loudly about global warming have their livelyhoods tied up in making people listen.

I think it has more to do with an over-active imagination regarding conspiracy theory myself, but lets read about Mars' Climate shall we?

Basing a Global Warming of Mars idea, on just three years of regional warming caused by cloud cover and dust, it not the best Science.

The anti-global warming brigade seem quick to use regional glacial changes on Mars over three years as evidence of Global Warming, yet are just as quick to dismiss the global glacial changes on Earth over the last 30 years as not being evidence of Global Warming, mad or what?

Quote from: "Range Rover Blues"
When I was very young I remember being threatened by the start of a new ice-age, but no-one listened as it during the cold-war (no punn intended).

Yes, that was a mistake, Climate Science was in it's infancy back then, and grand assumptions were made on small areas of data.  The fact is, Science has moved on at a fantastic pace since then, along with everything else you can think of, but our experiences as children do tend to shape our view of certain things as adults.

Quote from: "Range Rover Blues"
What really drives it is Solar activety, the sun runs hotter every so often, it goes in cylcles and this current cycle is a bit wild, it ran cooler than normal 30 years ago and now it's running hotter.

But no-one will get elected on the back of a "ban solar flares" campaign.

Lets go back to a well researched Wikipedia entry for this one shall we.

I fail to spot the 30 year rise in solar output on the graph available on this page, but the 11 year cycle of 0.1% change in solar output is well represented.

However, if you read further down the page, there may have been some evidence to suggest solar output as a factor for medieval warming, although there must have been another factor present in the Northern hemisphere that would cause this as a significant regional warming period, rather than a global warming event, although regional figures do affect the global average, the effect wasn't global as evidence elsewhere on the planet does not support this.

I think we should all realise that the oil industry will seek to use any and all evidence to support it's position, whether it's bad science or not, since the majority of the general public aren't scientists and are deemed gullable to believe anything printed in Newspapers or plastered across our TV screens as quasi-science.

Most of it is bunk, but it sells the media, slows the change to alternative fuels, and sells oil.  The other thing it does is further damage the planet by our reluctance to see what is in front of our own eyes, and do something about it.

Offline Bob696

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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 06:29:13 »
Very well researched article here with references to outside sites

Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous (global warming) is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are...

former Vice President Al Gore
(now, chairman and co-founder of Generation Investment Management--
a London-based business that sells carbon credits)
(in interview with Grist Magazine May 9, 2006, concerning his book, An Inconvenient Truth)

It isn't unusual for people to lie in order to make money and it dosn't mean that there is a conspiricy if lots of people want to make money.
"A wise man has something to say a fool has to say something"
"Think of it as evolution in action" and yes, I do know that I can't spell thank you.
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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 10:43:56 »
In this day and age the only motivation for anything goverment or buisness is money.

Who makes money and how much money do people make from global warming.

We wont use less energy, it will always increase with technology and apliances, but it givesa a good excuse for price rises when they say gas is scarce now, so the price must rise.

Electrical contacts, turbines ect big money.

The list goes on.

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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2007, 11:07:37 »
There are some crazy people believe that god created everything(which ever one they believe in) So why don't the people who are really taking to heart all this global warming issue, go the the religious leaders of the world and ask them what they are going to do about it! Instead of bothering me(us) because I use one vehicle to go to work,do the shopping,go on holiday,take crap to the land fill :) take all my mates to mountain bike tracks instead of going in separate cars. repair it with reused parts not an over packaged new part. And on and on.
I hope that man kind are able to find a new planet very soon, and be able to cart people there, And give this new planet to all the winging ones of this planet, and leave me and like minded people to get on with ruining this one :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  IF! that is what we are doing. Ho and if this was to happen I don't want to cover the cost of the carting of folk to the new planet via my taxes. :lol:  :lol:  :lol: . So there!!!
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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2007, 19:17:20 »
The graph shows a very short time clip for the surface temperatures of this planet. Yes may be we are influencing that rise. But the temp over the last hundreds of millions of years has fluctuated much more. Weve had ice sheets as far south as London and Equitorial type savana up to the midlands. The climate will continue to change with or without us. The frightening thing is the way governments choose this and other suposed crisis to scare us and keep us scared. If we are scared they can control us and divert our attention away from some of the real every day issues that they can but won't resolve. Ultimately if we cock things up the planet will survive, it has before. The only lose will probablt be the so calle dintelligent Human race. Mother Nature will find a way of healing herself yet again and life will recover and evolve. Maybe we had our chance and blew it, or maybe scientists and politicians aren't as clever as they want us to believe. Remember these people brought you mad cows dieseas by forcing cows to eat cows! Clever folk aren't they!

Offline Ja1983

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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2007, 23:05:22 »
the political side could also spin us off with another theory... were are running out of oil, no more is going to get produced anytime soon... so the world ultimatley will end up at war over the last remainig dregs... its started already! cutting the countries dependancy upon this resource, is limiting the countries overall interest in the resource, and quite possibly helping prevent a world war...

glad theres been some rsponse, thanks to all, makes interesting reading!

It has been said that, given enough time, a million monkeys bashing at a million typewriters would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Saxo forums, we now know this to be wrong

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Global warming... (ere we go..)
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2007, 23:24:22 »
Ok this may not be PC but you who know me  :roll:  anyway  :lol: .... The Earth is warming for another Ice Age...think about it...
The Earth is cooling the further we get from the sun.  
The Earth is cooling with every 5 feet the sun SHRINKS every day.
Next planet to have life's the next planet to warm up alongside Earth
What are we all worried about??...what we humans do...mother nature is more powerful than us all
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