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Well here's a couple of things for you.Why is Greenland so-called? it's covered in snow which IIRC is white :? Because when the Vikings invaded it was green, they raised cattle there.Aparently there is substantial historical evidence to prove that the planet has been warmer in the past. Ocasionaly it heats up more than the "norm".The UN has chosen to lie to us about this though, they produced a report on global warming and despite being advised about the relative credibilty of their prefered means of recording historical data (something about tree rings and it's woefully inaccurate) they biased their reuslt to completely iradicate any trace of a medieval blip in temperatures.
WHY, why lie to us?
Is it coincident with the fact that Mars is also getting hotter? I havn't been driving around up there, not even in my sleep.It's got more to do with the fact that the people who shout loudly about global warming have their livelyhoods tied up in making people listen.
When I was very young I remember being threatened by the start of a new ice-age, but no-one listened as it during the cold-war (no punn intended).
What really drives it is Solar activety, the sun runs hotter every so often, it goes in cylcles and this current cycle is a bit wild, it ran cooler than normal 30 years ago and now it's running hotter.But no-one will get elected on the back of a "ban solar flares" campaign.
Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous (global warming) is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are...